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Heartwarming moments in The Raven & the Owlet

As a moments subpage, all spoilers from the show will be unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

    Main fic 

Chapter 1

  • While going to the Owl House with Amity, Lilith notices that she's scared from flying. Remembering her first palisman flight, Lilith gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. Before insisting that it's just to make Amity comfortable because a panicking teen is harder to deal with.

Chapter 2

  • Not wanting to sleep alone, Luz asks Amity to bunk with her. Amity wholeheartedly agrees, while blushing furiously, and even goes to find blankets herself because she knows Luz has had a rough day and needs the rest.

Chapter 3

  • Luz' friends all show up to the Owl House to comfort her, and her and Amity end up flirting without even realizing it (to Lilith's disgust).

Chapter 4

  • When engraving the protection wards on Eda's grave, Lilith gets halfway with Luz watching her, before she (at some prompting from Eda) offers to let Luz try it herself. While the circumstances are morbid, Luz is ecstatic at the chance to perform real magic. Lilith even makes a very awkward attempt at encouraging her.
    • Despite having incited a panic attack in Luz by losing her temper, Lilith does her best to reassure her that she did everything right, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. The first words Luz hears clearly through her panic attack are "It's all right".
  • The chapter ends with Lilith making an attempt at apologizing for her outburst, making lunch for Luz, and Luz noting that, for the first time since Eda's death, she doesn't hate Lilith.

Chapter 5

  • The morning after digging Eda's grave, Lilith holds true to her promise and listens to one of Hooty's stories. To Eda's shock, she actually finds it interesting (if disturbing) and becomes curious about Hooty's anatomy.
  • Despite herself, Lilith is endeared by Luz' excitement over seeing new magic.
  • A minor case, but Kikimora mentions that the coven guards made bets about how far Lilith would make it before collapsing back in chapter 1. Hunter was the only one who didn't think she would, surprising even Lilith that he had faith in her.
  • In order to get away from Luz for a few hours, Lilith entrusts her with her palisman, Morrigan. Luz immediately falls in love with the white raven, and Lilith is surprised to see when she returns that the normally shy Morrigan is out in the open and seems to get along great with Luz.
  • Owlbert and Eda are both overjoyed that they can see each other, Owlbert even making an awkward attempt at rubbing against her despite her noncorporeal nature. Owlbert also finds the witches' wool cape Eda was supposed to give to Luz, and gives it to Lilith, who drapes it over Luz' shoulders during the funeral.

Chapter 6

  • After Luz and Lilith have a fight, Morrigan ends up being the one to resolve the situation by (through gestures and miming since Luz can't understand her) convincing Luz that, while Lilith is not trustworthy, she is dealing with things of her own that Luz doesn't know about, and she should at least give her a chance.

Chapter 7

  • While practicing magic, the frustration of not getting anywhere and her grief becomes too much for Luz and she breaks down crying. At Eda's prompting, Lilith hugs and reassures her that nothing she could ever do would disappoint Eda. Luz, Eda, and even Lilith herself are all surprised at Lilith's kind words and show of support.

Chapter 8

  • The breakfast scene is adorably sweet and domestic. Lilith has made breakfast and offers to make packed lunch for Luz, which Luz initially turns her down on but rethinks it because Lilith is a great cook and if she wants to make an effort, then Luz should too. This also leads into a conversation about seafood, and when Luz expresses a desire to taste seafood from the boiling sea, Lilith offers to make it in the weekend if Luz is good. Luz gets so excited that she knocks over her chair.
    Lilith (smiling): Damaging furniture doesn’t scream ‘good'.
  • Bump happily welcomes Luz back to school, showing that he has been worried about her.
  • In her own disturbing way, Boscha apologizes for Luz's loss and promises not to bully her while she's grieving over Eda's death.
    • Skara does a somewhat better job bonding with Luz, offering sincere condolences and offering to share some of her music for Luz to listen to. A few bad puns later, the two are genuine friends, though Skara is wary about being openly friendly.

Chapter 9

  • Eda asks if Lilith really meant it when she said sorry the night before. Lilith confirms that she did, and Eda accepts it immediately, reasoning that she's too dead to hold a grudge.
  • Eda teases Lilith for having grown so comfortable with the domestic Owl House life, and for starting to really care about Luz despite her insistence otherwise, pointing out that she's planning on buying luxury seafood and some baked goods as a treat for her. Lilith insists that she's simply doing it to build trust, but can't deny that it's nice being part of a family again.

Chapter 10

  • Despite both of them knowing that it's a foolish doomed quest, Willow and Gus both resolve to go with Luz to get the phoenix bloom.
  • In spite of the bad blood between them, when Lilith arrives in a ball of fire to save them, it's the first time Luz is happy to see her. After ensuring that the children are safe and healed, Lilith goes out to confront the demon hunters, and Luz knows that they'll be safe.

Chapter 11

  • Eda and Lilith have a conversation about Luz's shenanigans, Eda being worried and Lilith wanting to respect her independence to make mistakes on her own. Despite this, Lilith is clearly worried, tapping her finger nervously against the book cover. When she thinks about the possibility of Luz getting herself killed, she realizes she's more worried about Luz's safety than her mission's success.
    • After learning how much danger Luz is in, Lilith rushes out the door to rescue her, telling herself that the tightness in her chest is from fear of losing an important asset.
  • King's Armor-Piercing Response actually gets Lilith to calm down and patiently talk to King to convince him to tell her where Luz is for her own good.
  • Lilith calls in a favor from Steve, and offers to repay him at a later date. Steve assures her that there is no need; As far as he is concerned, Lilith is still the head of the Emperor's Coven.
  • Despite the bad blood between them, Lilith assures Amity that she will tell Luz she visited, and that she may come to talk whenever she needs.
  • Though it ended poorly, Lilith wouldn't trade her relationship with Odalia or the happiness it gave her for the world, and though she expects Luz and Amity's relationship to end as poorly, she hopes they can be happy until then.
  • When Lilith suffers a breakdown and collapses in tears over her sister, Luz hugs her. When asked why, Luz says it's because she doesn't like seeing people cry, and because Lilith did comfort her earlier when she had a similar breakdown.
  • Despite still being angry with Luz's reckless behavior, Lilith buys seafood for dinner on the way back, which Luz had wanted to try out earlier. The small family eat it together while, at Hooty's suggestion, sharing happy stories about Eda. Lilith's first story is about Raine.
    • In one of Lilith's stories, she was embarrassed at a party and ran away crying. Eda found her in the woods, having stolen a bottle of apple blood, and they drank it together, having their own little party under the stars. Lilith fondly remembers that they vowed off alcohol the morning after due to hangover.
  • Hooty gets his Hootcifer nickname, and could not be happier.
  • Using the leftover wool from when Eda intended on making a larger one for herself, Lilith repairs Luz's cape, draping it over the sleeping teenager so she will find it the morning after.
  • Eda apologizes for having ruined Lilith's school years, saying she only ever wanted to spend time with her sister and thank her for having looked after her when they were kids. Lilith in turn insists that Eda has nothing to apologize for, and that she should have communicated better.

Chapter 12

  • When Luz wakes up, she finds the repaired cloak and squeals in joy before running downstairs to embrace Lilith and thank her again and again.
  • After a visit to Bump's office, Luz apologizes to Gus and Willow for pressuring them and nearly getting them killed, and they assure her that they don't hold it against her.
  • Luz notices that Cat, Boscha's supposed friend, is leaving her to wake up alone after being knocked unconscious. While Luz can't stay herself due to being grounded, she wishes she could, and leaves a note thanking her for saving her and wishing her a speedy recovery.

Chapter 13

  • While part of Lilith's urging for Luz to join the Emperor's Coven is to get her old job back, she's also terrified at the prospect of Luz being petrified for being a wild witch. She can't even deny it when Eda teases her for caring about the kid.
  • When Luz is upset that she can't join her friends on a night out due to being grounded, Lilith takes pity on her and lets her off early.
  • After a Freak Out about her conflicting loyalties, Lilith tells Morrigan to take her home. Morrigan takes her to the Owl House, and Lilith realizes that she has truly come to see the place as her home, feeling warm and happy just by being near it. Inside, she finds King and Luz unconscious on the couch, reflects on how much she's grown to care about them, and tucks them in bed.
    • Lilith thinks that she might use the money she scammed from Odalia to buy Luz a proper bed, having a hard time imagining life without her.
    • When she goes to Eda's room she realizes that she's grown so comfortable that she thinks of it as her room.

Chapter 14

  • Luz, ever the All-Loving Hero, is worried when Boscha doesn't show up to class, and is happy to see her attend school a few days later (though Boscha runs away before Luz can talk to her).
  • While Luz is horrified at Lilith's teasing, Lilith clearly doesn't mean anything bad about it, and apologizes for having taken it too far.
  • Lilith, of all people, is not immune to Luz's Puppy-Dog Eyes, which she uses to negotiate for having not-dogs for breakfast every other week.

Chapter 15

  • After getting her back through the portal, Lilith says nothing but just embraces her. Luz struggles a bit at first but soon melts into the hug, both crying. Despite having known Luz for under a month, Lilith thinks to herself that she loves her, and wants her to be safe and happy and succeed. Even if Luz will hate her forever, Lilith hugs her to let her know that she is loved.
    • While hugging, Lilith tries to say anything to make it right. The only words that get out through the sobs are "I'm sorry."
  • Luz, despite having just experienced some of the worst trauma of her life, giggles a bit while saying she's not angry, just disappointed. Lilith affectionately calls her a brat, but is smiling.
  • With Eda and Luz' support, Lilith finally comes clean to her father about cursing Eda. She expects him to hate her, disown her, and throw her out, but instead he just sits down next to her, asks her to look at him, and tells her that nothing she could ever do would ever make him stop loving her. As they leave for the night, Dell tells his daughter that he is proud of her for doing right by Luz, and asks her to come again soon.
  • While discussing what to do with the Emperor, Lilith is still under the heel of her cultish brainwashing but she makes it clear that betraying Luz is not an option. She will be executed or petrified if she goes to him empty-handed, but she will gladly do that as long as Luz is safe.
  • Before they leave, Lilith tells Dell that if she doesn't make it, and pauses. Dell assures her that he and Gwendolyn will look after Luz.

Chapter 16

  • Now that Lilith has officially sided with her, Luz sees no reason to hide the portal key from her anymore. While she's still prone to getting angry from thinking about Lilith's betrayal, Luz is slowly putting her trust in her so she can help save Lilith from execution.
  • The moment King and Hooty see Luz is back, King jumps into her arms crying and Hooty profusely apologizes for failing to stop Lilith from stealing the portal. Luz comforts King (calling him "hermanito/little brother") and tells Hooty she's not holding his mistake against him.
  • While discussing a hypothetical battle against the Emperor, Luz asks what Lilith would do if he tried to hurt her. Lilith insists that he wouldn't, but Luz notices that she clenches her fist at the thought of someone hurting her ward. She presses on, and Lilith's voice starts to waiver, and she eventually relents that, should it come to that, she would fight to defend Luz even from the Emperor.
  • Despite having plenty of reason to be angry with Amity for suspecting foul play from Lilith and not telling Luz due to being manipulated by her, Luz is quick to forgive her. She even calls her "pretty witch" Spanish and promises to tell her what it means when they're alone.

Chapter 17

  • Lilith tells the gathered coven heads that this month caring for and living with Luz and her family has given her life more meaning than decades of serving the Emperor and Titan.
  • When it becomes clear that the coven heads intend to kill her, Lilith nearly suffers a panic attack. What brings her out of it is Eda reminding her that whatever happens, she has to keep Luz safe.
  • In the midst of her breakdown over being a Wild Witch, Lilith glances over at Luz and smiles, remarking that she did one good thing at least. Luz in turn assures her that she meant it when she said she forgives her earlier.

Chapter 18

  • To help Luz with her stress, Willow teaches her the breathing technique and advises she start working out to burn off her frustrations.

Chapter 19

  • Lilith avoids telling the rest of the family how much they're struggling financially, since she doesn't want them to spend their time worrying about it.
  • Lilith goes to her and Odalia's old hideout in the library (now Amity's) and reminisces fondly over the hours the two of them spent there together, hidden away from the world and all that ailed them, where they knew the other would always find them. Despite how awful Odalia has become, Lilith still has fond memories of her.
    • Later, while discussing Odalia's abusive parenting with her, Lilith repeatedly finda herself exasperated by Odalia's stubborn insistence that her emotional abuse is not abuse. Despite this, Lilith remains calm and never raises her voice, knowing that Odalia would not react well to being yelled at and has enough care left over for her to not subject her to that.

Chapter 20

  • Viney talks to Luz about her feelings for Emira, planning on confessing and wanting some encouragement. Luz assures her that it will go well and that Emira almost certainly reciprocates her feelings. In return, Viney tells Luz that she's pretty sure Amity reciprocates her feelings, and encourages her to confess. She has a bet put down for two months from now, but she doesn't mind losing if Amity and Luz are happy.
  • At lunch, Luz and Amity are happily joking and laughing together. It's a small moment, but an adorable one.
  • At the end of the day, Lilith has to stay behind for some paperwork, and gives Luz Morrigan to fly home. Luz is both shocked and touched that Lilith would entrust her with Morrigan to fly all the way home, but Lilith just considers it a matter of course. The idea that Luz couldn't be trusted with her palisman hadn't even crossed her mind.
  • Even though she's still angry, Luz celebrates Lilith's new job by making a Dominican dish that she and her mother love, La Bandera with Tostones (using some boiling isles meat and veggies to replace ones that are unavailable). Lilith loves it and praises it highly, causing Luz to beam with joy, and she goes on a small ramble about her family's and the dish's history. Lilith follows the ramble with interest, does her best to pronounce it correctly, and asks to learn how to make it. Luz agrees to teach her in return for another Clawthorne family recipe. Overall, an adorably sweet and domestic scene of Luz sharing her culture with her mother figure who's wholly unfamiliar with it but interested in learning.
  • Luz's sheer joy over receiving a scroll from Lilith, the boiling isles' equivelant of a phone, letting her keep in much closer contact with her friends. After hugging Lilith and thanking her while beaming with joy, she rushes upstairs to call Amity, and they spend the evening talking.
  • The chapter (and Luz and Amity's call) ends with Emira bursting into Amity's room and spinning her around while laughing and smiling because Viney confessed to her, repeating several times in joy that she has a girlfriend! Luz is happy for them, and figures that if Viney's crush was reciprocated, then maybe that means hers is too.

Chapter 22

  • While climbing up to the Golden Guard's airship, Boscha gets impatient and climbs up besides Luz, effectively embracing her by climbing with her arms and legs around her to reach the vine. While it was not meant affectionately, Luz finds herself oddly safe with Boscha so close.
  • Boscha is fiercly protective of the palisman, to the point of going full Mama Bear when Luz tells her what Belos does to them.
  • Boscha admits that the reason she hates Luz so much is because Luz' kindness and unending optimism is the reason that Amity and Skara, whom Boscha considered her friends, left her. Seeing how broken down and alone Boscha is, Luz resolves to become her friend and offers to join her grudgby team.
  • When Luz gets home, Lilith is awake waiting for her, and asks if she needs any healing. Instead of scolding her, she simply warns her not to go on nighttime adventures without telling Lilith first.

Chapter 23

  • When Gwendolyn gives Lilith a surviving page from Evelyn's journal, Lilith confesses that she had an errant thought to destroy it because she doesn't want Luz to leave her. Gwendolyn assures her that an errant thought born from a desire to keep her daughter close does not make her a bad person.
    • Lilith admits that while she has started to see Luz as her daughter, she feels guilty for it because Luz has a real mother back in the human realm. Gwendolyn and Eda tell her that, regardless of how rocky their relationship started, it is obvious that Luz cares deeply about her, and Lilith is finally convinced to embrace her role as Luz' mother. From this chapter onward, the narration frequently refers to Luz as Lilith's daughter.

Chapter 24

  • When Luz gets nervous before the big game, Boscha lays a hand on her shoulder and assures her that she's got this. Luz is shocked that Boscha can be that comforting.
  • After the game, Boscha tells Luz that while she's pissed about losing, she doesn't blame Luz and gives her a list of exercises to hopefully improve for next game. She then makes sure Luz won't do any of the exercises tomorrow to avoid hurting herself. She really does care!
  • Lilith, King, and even Hooty show up to cheer Luz on during her game and assure her that she did amazing afterward despite Luz' self-deprecating tendencies. This extends to all her friends (including the multi-track students, Edric and Emira) who praise her soon after.
  • Despite what a bully their daughter is, the Arends appear to be genuinely good parents who love each other and Boscha. Petra mentions that they go to every one of Boscha's games, and she goes from passive aggressive to normally aggressive against Odalia the second she insults her wife.
  • Odalia tries to give Amity a compliment, but does so by suggesting that the game would have gone better if Amity was the captain instead of Boscha. Despite having spent the entire chapter butting heads with Boscha, Amity immediately comes to her defense and insists that Boscha is the best grudgby player she's ever known and a great captain to boot. Once Odalia has left, Boscha asks if she meant it and Amity says she did, and that despite everything, Boscha doesn't deserve to be degraded by Odalia.

Chapter 25

  • Despite not liking such establishments, Lilith takes Luz and her friends to the Boiling Isles equivelant of an arcade, wanting to treat her daughter after her big game.
  • Lilith brings Luz, King and Hooty to the previously arranged family dinner with her parents, The whole scene is nothing but wholesome family fluff, as the Clawthorne matriarch and patriarch dotes on their grandchildren (and Hooty) while Lilith tries to remain somewhat parental.
    • When Lilith takes Luz upstairs, she avoids one door in particular, telling Luz when asked that it was Eda's old room and where Lilith ruined her life. Luz assures her that Lilith is nothing like that anymore.
    • In Lilith's room, Luz looks at an old Grudgby trophy and wonders if she could ever win something like that. Lilith assures her that she will, and gifts her her old Grudgby jacket. In response, Luz immediately embraces her and accidentally calls her mom for the first time. And though Luz is worried that she in doing so made Lilith uncomfortable, Lilith assures her that she didn't and would be honored if Luz wanted to call her that, calling her baby girl and saying that she loves her. Luz proceeds to say "I love you" in return and tighten her grip on the hug.
      Luz sniffled and threw her arms around Lilith once more. “I’ll make you proud, Mom.”

      Lilith held Luz and kissed the top of her head. “I already am.”
  • When she shows up to help Luz train, Boscha brings a gift basket from her mothers, as an apology for Sylvie thoughtlessly bringing up Eda two days earlier. The gift basket contains a few free samples from their stores, as well as a giftcard for two thousand snails. Lilith is left gobsmacked at the amount, which is pocket change to the Arends but an enormous boon for a struggling single mother like Lilith.
    • The gift basket also includes a fine feather quill and a few bottles of Arends' Special Selection ink, specially mixed by Sylvie herself. Lilith jumps and squeals in delight before rushing upstairs to try them out, getting her finest parchment.
  • Lilith and Boscha end up having a talk about loss and not knowing what you had until it's gone, Lilith with her sister and Boscha with her friendship with Amity. Boscha ends up giving sincere condolences for Lilith's loss, while Lilith decides that she can have a bit of faith that Boscha might become a better person.

Chapter 26

  • After Luz accidentally then intentionally called Lilith "mom" last chapter, the narration this chapter starts referring to her interchangably as "Lilith" and "[Luz's] mom".
  • Petra shows herself to be just as nice, caring, and supportive as Sylvie, giving Luz condolences about Eda and uploading her company's app onto Luz's scroll so she can buy whatever she wants while staying in Bunion Bay.
  • Despite their previous animosity, Boscha and Luz spend the chapter being closer to true friends than ever before, working together to pull a prank on a rival school and having a splashfight at the beach. They even have a genuine heart-to-heart while sitting on the beach in the sunset. After she realizes that Boscha was in love with Amity, Luz lends her her first Azura book to hopefully make a connection there, and Boscha is genuinely touched by it, encouraging Luz to "get the girl".
  • The Banshees win their first game this season, thanks to Luz catching the Rusty Smidge. Boscha is so hyped that she doesn't even object to Luz hugging her, and calls her by her name instead of just "human".
    • Luz is brought to tears over actually accomplishing this. Back in the human realm, she'd always get kicked off any team she joined or booed off the field or stage by her peers. Here, she's being showered with praise for the first time in her life and she's overwhelmed with happiness.
  • Boscha's earlier words of encouragement is enough for Luz to finally get the courage to ask Amity out. Despite the untimely intervention of a sea serpent spawn and Amity actually asking her out first, she succeeds and the two end the chapter with a Relationship Upgrade and their First Kiss.

Chapter 27

  • Luz and Amity come home from their date with an overjoyed Luz yelling that she has a girlfriend. Lilith is clearly happy for her, and Boscha, despite the obvious pain, also congratulates them. In turn, Luz immediately hugs her teammate and thanks her for giving her the courage to confess, with Amity thanking her as well after.
  • While their children play in the water, Petra approaches Lilith to ask about the possible danger of the Day of Unity, saying she wants to be prepared to protect those she considers her own. She then clarifies that she includes Lilith's family in that statement, citing both that Luz befriending Boscha has both curbed her Jerkass attitude and made her a lot happier, and that Lilith is one of the few people the Arends' know who they can consider genuine friends, without any stipulations. Petra ends by assuring Lilith that, if the Emperor comes after the Owl House, the Arends' will have her back, and asks her out on a night with the town with her and Sylvie.
  • To make up for organizing the Side Bet which also made fun of the issues between the girls, all the participants decide to give the pool money (600 snails) to Luz for her to spend on Amity. Notably Emira, who was merely keeping the money and never made a bet, adds her own 50 snails as well.

Chapter 28

  • Boscha's Character Development has set in for full, as she now fully treats Luz as a close friend, smiling when they run into each other in public, casually striking up conversation with her in the hallways, and genuinely enjoying her company.
  • Luz and Amity run off to have a date with the money they got from the bet. Then they run into Boscha, and decide to make it a team hangout instead, inviting her along to the bookstore (after reminding her that she can't decide for them all the time) and later going to her favourite restaurant. Boscha clearly has a lot of fun hanging out with her friends, and even buys an omnibus of her favourite comic for Luz as thanks for borrowing the Azura books two chapters ago. Luz is later seen reading the comic for the fourth time.
    • When Boscha gives Luz the comic, she is extremely flustered and nervous, which Luz finds adorable.
    • Boscha makes an attempt at being positive about Good Witch Azura, having made a genuine attempt to read it. Luz and Amity immediately see through it, and assure her that she doesn't have to pretend to like it if she didn't.
    • Amity and Boscha get to geeking out over Grudgby, and agree to watch it at Boscha's house later. Amity tries to invite Luz along, but Luz notices that Boscha had hoped to get some time alone with Amity, and declines, making Boscha grateful.
  • When Luz gets injured in a match, she wants to continue playing despite everyone warning her that she can't, since she knows Boscha is worried about their playoffs. While everyone is trying to convince her to listen to reason, Boscha outrights orders her to rest, citing that Luz is her friend (the first time she's admitted it) and she doesn't want to lose another one.
    • Skara shows up as replacement for Luz for the rest of the match, causing Luz to catastrophize that Amity and Boscha don't need her anymore and are going to kick her from the team. Once her teammates return and see her crying, they are quick to assure her that Skara standing in for her was a one-time thing, and they would never dream of replacing her, praising her skill.

Chapter 29

  • Raine plays a song when they visit Eda's grave unaware that Eda's listening and crying alongside them. The song in question? "Eda's Requiem".
  • Raine, though having every right to hate Lilith and attack her for causing Eda's suffering, doesn't bring themself to it because Luz needs her.

Chapter 30

  • While out looking for the time pools, Luz describes it as a mother-daughter roadtrip. Lilith is touched that Luz is so comfortable thinking of her as her mother, but also worries that they might have gone that far too soon and what Camila will think. Luz insists that, while she's also worried about her mámi, Lilith is her mom. In turn, Lilith assures Luz that she can't imagine Camila would be anything but proud of her.
  • As compensation for Philip deceiving them, Evelyn hands Luz and Lilith a copy of his journal which contains all of his notes on making a portal door. With this, Luz can now start building a portal to return to the Human Realm after weeks of false leads.

Chapter 32

  • The Ship Tease between Lumischa really starts to make it clear all three girls have feelings for each other now.
    • When Luz explains her belief that people evolve into better versions of themselves but retain their core personality, Amity expresses concern that Boscha can regress to her old ways. Luz assures her that Boscha's as sweet as Amity and they'll be there to keep that from happening since she means a lot to both of them.
    • After hanging out at a movie, Luz constantly hugs Boscha which causes the triclops to blush and look away from her flustered. Luz eventually sees that she's just as cute as Amity when she's like this, resulting in Luz realizing she might have just had a Love Epiphany.
    • Prior to the final grudgby game before the playoffs, Amity presents a gift to Boscha while sporting a furious Crush Blush. The gift? Drawings of the Banshees, the second by Luz which showed them in Beyond the Stars cosplay. Boscha is starstruck and it helps her lose her nerves.
      • Luz expresses mental joy that Amity and Boscha's friendship has had a massive turnaround, even thinking of them as "her girls" due to how Amity's teasing makes Boscha adorably flustered.
    • After Luz pulls a risky move to win the game, Amity pulls her into a hug as she and Boscha lecture her for her stunt which continues into the locker room. Luz is annoyed, but knows they're doing it out of love.
    • Boscha has made it a habit of playfully flicking Luz on the forehead, something she does after the previously mentioned risk.
    • After Luz's accident with the portal, Amity heals her as Boscha calls Sylvie to help repair the damages to Luz's arm. When Luz wakes up, she finds Boscha asleep and holding her other hand.
    • After Luz wakes up following the procedure, Viney points out Amity and Boscha sleeping together closeby, Amity's face nestled into Boscha's shoulder while the triclops protectively holds her. Viney reveals they wouldn't leave Luz or each other alone, she and Emira giving them some peivacy to cry earlier. Luz wishes that she could be in between them for the sake of comfort.

    Raven Pellets 

Chapter 3

  • Despite knowing that Willow can't hear her, Eda tells her that things will get better and that she'll figure things out, because she's got a good head, and a good heart.
  • Hooty tells Willow that he usually respects her privacy when she visits Eda each week; but since he overheard what she said about not being able to ever forgive Luz for what happened at the arboreum, he tells her to try because Luz shouldn't have anything else to stress over. Willow promises that she'll try.

Chapter 4

  • Before her movie night with Amity, Petra pulls Boscha aside to ask her what she wants to do, since she knows that Boscha has had a crush on Amity. Boscha ends up telling her how her friendships fell apart, but even though she still liks Amity, she doesn't want to get between Luz, her first real friend, and Amity. Petra is proud of her for being mature enough to put someone else's happiness before her own.
  • Boscha figures that she'll get over her crush because the Amity she liked was just the mask she put on anyway and not the real Amity. Then she ends up falling in love with the "real" Amity anwyay, liking her better when she's not trying to hide her true self.

Chapter 5

  • While writing in her diary, Amity confesses that she's realized her feelings for Boscha but loves Luz at the same time, figuring she figured it out faster due to having clarity and perspective on the subject. Amity begins to wonder if all three of them like each other that way and decides to look for signs at the slumber party to see if Luz and Boscha give off any signs so she can learn if the three of them have a chance of dating together.
    • As part of her entry, Amity ponders if she hadn't pushed Boscha away and actually became her friend, they might have developed feelings and began going out with each other. At the same time, she notes that Luz was the first person she ever had romantic feelings for and questions if she still would've fallen for her if she and Boscha did become more.
