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Heartwarming / The Imitation Game

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  • The team's Friendship Moment when they back up Turing and his work on Christopher—without any solid evidence that the machine would do its job.
  • Enigma is broken, and everyone bursts into cheering and hugging. It turns into Mood Whiplash a minute later when they realize what it means, but it's still the high point of the film.
  • Turing actually makes a fake ring for Joan during his proposal. It's small, but it's a sign that he cares about her as opposed to just marrying her for convenience.
    • Later on, Joan says she always suspected that he was gay and still accepts his offer, saying they'll have each other's minds.
  • Pick a flashback scene. Just any one of them. It'll invariably show Christopher being incredibly kind and supportive to Turing or Turing's adorably precious crush on Christopher.
  • Alan comes home to find one of his superiors at his place going through his and Joans things, saying Joan had been arrested and sent to prison for suspicion of being a spy in the project. Alan, fearful, immediately outs the real spy, Cairncross, who is blackmailing him to keep quiet by threatening to tell the project that Alan is homosexual if he reveals John is the mole. Despite what this would mean when it comes to Christopher and to his personal life to be found out, he immediately tells the truth to try to save Joan. Unfortunately for him, his superior reveals they knew who the spy was the whole time, they were lying and Joan is just out grocery shopping, making Alan go further to help them with the project. This crosses into Tearjerker, with Alan pushing Joan away to keep her from getting caught up in the espionage game.
  • Turing in his childhood was actually going to confess his crush to Cristopher, in a time when such a thing was unthinkable, and he's completely at ease. He knows that no matter what the outcome is, Christopher would never do anything to hurt him.
  • John Cairncross figuring out that Turing is gay and keeping quiet about it. Although it's undermined by the fact that he later uses it to blackmail him when revealed as a Soviet double agent.
  • The ending sequence, where the codebreakers burn the evidence of their work. They have been driven apart throughout their decoding of Enigma, but they allow themselves one moment where they get to all be human and appreciate one another before going their own ways.
  • As mentioned on the Tearjerker page, "Turing's work inspired generations of research into what scientists called "Turing machines". Today, we call them computers." It's heartbreaking, yes, but heartwarming as well: without Turing, so many would have died, so much damage done, and we would not have the incredible technological advances and the IT-oriented world we are living in. Yes, without Turing there wouldn't even be the computer that you're reading this on, and many other things.
