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Heartwarming / Seasons of Change

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  • The series in general is this, as its premise basically runs on The Power of Friendship and shows how far a little bit of kindness goes.

Part I

  • Hermione's parents' thoughts on their daughter when she comes home for Christmas, when they think about how happy Hermione seems with her friends and how much time she spends talking about them.
  • There are several moments in this work in particular that show Harry, Ron and Hermione acting like a bunch of regular preteen friends, laughing about silly things and playing Exploding Snap.

Part II

Part III

  • Even though he was on the run, and pretending to be dead, Sirius hasn't forgotten about Lupin, speaking up for him passionately when Umbridge pushes her anti-werewolf legislation through the Ministry and later sending him some Wolfsbane as a Christmas gift.
