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Heartwarming / Saw

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"We're gonna be okay?"
"I wouldn't lie to you."


  • Any moments between John in his pre-Jigsaw days and Jill are heartwarming, and his post-death will tape for Jill and their tape for the unborn Gideon are stand-outs. You can tell that they loved each other very much and what followed was extremely heartbreaking for them.
    • John loved Jill enough that even after their divorce, he left instructions to Lawrence to keep her safe after he is gone; he and Jill didn't divorce because they fell out of love, but because life spat in their face and they couldn't stay together. And he adored Jill enough to make provide his apprentices with orders to ensure that, if anything happens to her, she is avenged.
  • In an odd way, Jigsaw's idealism regarding his methods. They're horrific, but he believes that anyone, murderers, rapists, even the man who inadvertently killed his unborn son, and the man who wrongly labeled his brain scans (causing the lack of proper treatment of his brain tumor), can be reformed. He has an odd sort of faith in humanity that many people lack, even if he takes it in entirely the wrong direction.
  • Lawrence putting his daughter Diana to bed in Saw is fucking adorable. He plays "This Little Piggy" with her, promises to read her favorite story to her tomorrow, and assures her that he's never going to leave her. Lawrence was put in his trap because John thought he was cold, but this scene shows that he genuinely loves his family. It becomes heart-wrenching when he's frantically screaming and sobbing and even cutting his own foot off and (reluctantly) attempting to kill Adam to try to protect them.
  • Despite their marital problems, Alison and Lawrence talking on the phone while she's holding Zep at gunpoint is touching in a sad way. She frantically asks where he is and begs for him to help them, and he tearfully says he's sorry for everything and that he's always been happy with her. It's obvious how much being in the bathroom and thinking about his wife has made him remember how fortunate he is.
  • Lawrence and Adam's last moments together before Lawrence crawls out of the bathroom, promising to get help for the two of them, holding onto each other for dear life are goddamn tear-jerking. It becomes even more powerful when you realize, as Leigh Whannell (Adam's actor) points out in the DVD commentary, that it's one out of the two times in the whole film where the two of them in the same shot, causing it to feel very intimate (and he even refers to it as "the love scene.") The kicker is that Lawrence could have easily just left, but he dragged himself over to Adam—white as a sheet, bleeding like a stuck pig, shock setting in—just to hold him close. Word of God has also confirmed that Lawrence fully intended to make good on that promise and come back to free him the moment he was healed, and the only reason he didn't was because Amanda had already gotten him first.
    Adam: We're gonna be okay?
    Lawrence: I wouldn't lie to you.
  • A deleted scene from the third film shows us a kind, Adorkable side of Adam; meeting Amanda in his apartment building, he compliments her hair (he says it's "very rockstar") asks her to come see his friends' band, and asks sweetly if he can take her picture, to which she meekly says yes. She even smiles.
  • A small one in Saw II, but Xavier seems to have a soft spot for Laura. After Gus is killed, he can be seen checking to see if she's hurt and when he abandons the group, he gives her a remorseful look.
  • Saw III: Seeing Eric Matthews put himself through enough pain to make a hardened police veteran cry, in order to escape a trap that was intended to kill him, all in the name of finding and rescuing his son, Daniel. The kicker was the visual of Matthews, feebly limping through the corridors, desperately shouting the name of his son.
  • An unused prop from Saw III: John's real letter to Amanda (before Hoffman switched it with his blackmail letter), written by Tobin Bell himself.
    My dear Amanda -
    The enclosed is for you… to ease the waves in the sea you must navigate. Talk with Anthony McDonald at the Branch. He will take care of all.
    Do not look back, only ahead. You have arrived at the door – walk through. Don’t look back. You are strong and well. I know you think you have nothing to teach. We teach what we need to learn… that is enough.
    May I always breathe life into your soul… as you have done to mine.
    With love and hope
    I believe in you—
  • During the shotgun carousel trap in Saw VI, William decides to save Emily because she has two kids that she needs to raise. Emily's dialogue during that bit also shows that he's close enough to her to know them well.
    Emily: I have two kids! You know them, Will!
    • One other thing that is notable is that the rest of the carousel victims don't make any attempt of arguing about this. They are quick to call each other out on their apparent lies, but they know Emily is telling the truth, and silently agree she should be one of the ones who are spared.
  • In Jigsaw:
