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Heartwarming / Nintendo Wars

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • In "Andy Times Two" Eagle will sincerely apologise to Andy for his mistaken vendetta against him as they team up to deal with the Andy clone.
  • The Final Battle: If Kanbei takes part, it becomes clear how much he cares for Sonja. In Reboot Camp he'll have a unique line the first time he uses his CO power: "I will fight to my last breath- for Sonja!" At the end of the battle a touching scene will play as they reunite.
    Sonja: Do you know what mother used to tell me? "Your father's a bit silly at times, but he'll always be there for you when you need him."
    Kanbei: sniff You look just like her, Sonja. You really do.
  • At the start of the Advance Wars 2 campaign, Andy's excited even as the Black Hole army is launching a full on invasion. Why? Because it means he'll get to see all his old friends again!
  • At the start of the Yellow/Gold Comet campaign, Sensei returns to help out against the invading forces, even though he plays it off and it's clear at times he doesn't care for fighting. In a similar vein, Jess abandons her training to aid Green Earth at its darkest moment, despite her constant friction with Eagle.
  • Duty and Honor: Adder sets up a trap, threatening to pillage a number of cities up in the mountains in order to lure the Yellow/Gold Comet army into range of their new laser cannon weapons. Even as Kanbei is informed about the trap, he presses on without hesitation, simply because it's their duty to protect their people. At the end of the mission, the people living there will send a letter, thanking him for his aid.
    Kanbei: Moreover, we are COs. The people of Gold Comet look to us for leadership and protection. And it is our honor to serve them. Unless you had a different idea about what it is we do...
  • Sea Fortress: When Eagle's air force surveys the fortress Black Hole has set up, Eagle balks at the amount of troops her would lose to the anti-air forces Hawke has arrayed against them. His soldiers encourage him to continue the attack, as they're Green Earth's best force and they can't afford to let the fortress be finished, giving him the courage he needs to press on.
  • Hachi has a different speech in Re-Boot Camp whenever a CO is unlocked for purchase. This is usually some kind of pun or reference based on their specialties, but he drops all of that for Sensei and simply calls him "my old pal". It's a nice call-back to Dual Strike establishing them as old war buddies.
