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Heartwarming / How to Train Your Dragon

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Forbidden Friendship.

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    Book series 
  • The relationship between Hiccup and Fishlegs. This comes to a head in How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse (see below).
  • In fact, the Power Trio of Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Camicazi. The way they always have each other's backs is just a perfect CMOH for the books.

How to Train Your Dragon

  • Toothless staying to help Hiccup after all the other hunting dragons had deserted.
How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse
  • The reason why Stoick won't let Hiccup go on a quest to save Fishlegs: Hiccup is his only child, venturing into dangerous enemy territory to assist a little "weirdo" and find a vegetable that may be imaginary from a country that may not exist. He gets Anger Born of Worry at the end because of how Hiccup may have risked his life for nothing.
  • Hiccup goes on a dangerous quest through enemy territory to get an antidote to save his friend's life. The ending makes it even more heartwarming — Hiccup actually got bitten by the Venomous Vorpent. He spends the whole book dying, and he doesn't even realize because he's too busy trying to save Fishlegs. Fishlegs then returns the favor by shooting Hiccup in the toe with the cure after realizing what Hiccup is trying to tell him.
  • The Doomfang later on becomes loyal to Hiccup, from a distance. He recalls how when he becomes chief it would guide him and his men out of dangerous waters, play with him. Even more so heartwarming since Hiccup didn't want to surrender the curative potato to him, but for the Doomfang it was I Owe You My Life and Defeat Means Friendship.

How to Ride A Dragon's Storm.

  • After Hiccup is injured and unconscious while in the sea in 'How to Ride a Dragon's Storm', Toothless' reaction and desperate attempts to keep his master's face out out the water counts. For all his complaining, Toothless genuinely does love Hiccup.
  • Camicazi and Fishlegs putting the unconscious Hiccup on the floating piece of wood Titanic style and paddling desperately for land is a wonderful demonstration of how goddamn great these kids are.

How to Steal A Dragon's Sword

  • When Hiccup is abandoned by the Hooligan Tribe in How to Steal a Dragon's Sword, Fishlegs gives his lobster-claw necklace to Hiccup, the only valuable thing he has in the world.

How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel

  • Camicazi fails to defend Hiccup when his slavemark is revealed in How to Steal a Dragon's Sword, but immediately regrets it. The next books make it clear that she believes in him as strongly as she ever did, and she is bound and determined never, ever to let him down like that again. Equally heartwarming is the fact that he never stopped trusting her in the first place.
  • Hiccup spends most of the book desperately trying to find him again. When he finally does and Fishlegs protests that he isn't important enough to waste time on, Hiccup immediately responds, "You are important!"
  • How Hiccup, Gobber and Stoick treat Eggingarde.
  • Hiccup, Camicazi and the escape artists helping Eggingarde to escape and her subsequent reunion with Bear Mama. The readers aren't told anymore of what happens after the escape artists leave with her, but the little illustration of her smiling with her mother is enough to make any person smile/tear up a little.
  • The Windwalker, The Wodensfang and Toothless protecting Hiccup and their insistence on him wearing the Visithug helmet while they are fighting Valhallarama
  • The illustration of Hiccup, the Wodensfang and Toothless sleeping with the Windwalker curled around them protectively is adorable.

How to Fight A Dragon's Fury

  • Stoick in Book Twelve telling Hiccup he wants to go in Hiccup's place to face Furious, but knows that neither of them have a choice. Doubles as a Tear Jerker.
  • Camicazi protecting Hiccup from female admirers after he's crowned king. There's No Romantic Resolution but she may have developed feelings for Hiccup.
  • After the events of the series, after a lifetime of Valhallarama being a Missing Mom and an antagonist at times, she and Hiccup mend their relationship.

    The Book of Dragons 
  • In "The Book of Dragons," it's of course Hiccup who gives the lesson on Night Furies. When talking about Toothless, he comes to this touching line:
    Hiccup: I have so many questions about him, but there's one thing I do know. Toothless didn't just become my friend. He became the friend who gave me my purpose.
  • At the end, it's brought up how because there's so little known about Night Furies, they don't know a lot about Toothless, like how fast he can go. Toothless then immediately pops into frame like a happy dog, his body language screaming "Can we find out? Huh? Can we can we can we?", and he and the kids run outside to find out.

    Rest of the Film Franchise 
