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Heartwarming / Heavy Rain

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The scene at the very start of the game where Ethan plays with Jason and Shaun in the back garden. This includes play fighting with Jason and pretending to be a campy bad guy, and lifting Shaun up on his shoulders and running around the yard with him.
  • When Ethan is taking care of Shaun after the Time Skip, he can juggle some oranges in the kitchen. If Shaun is in the kitchen when he does it, he's amazed and asks Ethan if he'll teach him how to juggle sometime.
    • Also, if you give Shaun his teddy bear when he asks for it at bedtime, he'll try to comfort Ethan about Jason's death, telling him that it wasn't his fault.
    • If Shaun stays up too late and falls asleep on the couch, Ethan carries him up to bed.
  • "The Park," being another chapter focusing on Ethan's relationship with Shaun, has several heartwarming moments:
    • If Ethan successfully plays games with Shaun, Shaun's mood will brighten considerably. Ethan even notes that it's been a long time since he's seen him smile.
    • If Ethan takes out the boomerang in Shaun's backpack, he can show Shaun how to throw it.
    • Ethan can buy some strawberry chewies for Shaun, only for him to complain that he hates strawberry. Just as a saddened Ethan is about to pocket the candies, Shaun thanks him for buying them anyway.
    • If Shaun was previously upset by Ethan, he apologizes for his behavior and admits he was just angry. Ethan tells him that he was right to be angry and admits he hadn't been very nice to Shaun either.
  • Madison's first action upon seeing an injured Ethan is to first suggest calling an ambulance, then help him to his room and treat his injuries. She continues doing so later on, patching him up after every completed trial. All this for a man she doesn't even know the first time she helps him.
  • Shelby arrives at the house of Susan Bowles, one of the victims' mothers. There's a baby crying unattended, no parents in sight... when he finds Susan in the bathtub after slitting her wrists, he comes to her rescue and treats her wounds. Him taking care of baby Emily while Susan rests is just adorable.
  • If Ethan gets caught once by the cops, Norman helps him escape the police station because he believes he isn't the Origami Killer.
    Ethan: I don't know what to say.
    Norman: Just say you're gonna save your son.
  • "On the Loose" has some heartwarming Ethan and Madison scenes.
    • The chapter opens with Madison comforting a distraught Ethan about the outcome of the fourth trial. She reassures him that she can prove his innocence, and then they start to lean closer to each other...
    • If they sleep together, there's a cute scene of them cuddling in bed afterwards.
    • Later, Madison admits that she's starting to fall in love with Ethan and wants to pursue a relationship with him once Shaun is saved.
    • If Ethan forgives Madison, she hugs him and tells him to be careful completing the last trial, as she can't afford to lose him now.
  • "Dad...I knew you'd come and save me."
  • Related to the above, if Shaun is saved by Norman, the very first thing he does after being revived is ask where Ethan is. They might have been drifting apart after Jason’s death, but one thing is clear: Shaun loves his dad dearly.
  • If Ethan saves Shaun and survives, he’s given a pardon by the police department and is recognized publicly for his bravery.
  • The Multiple Endings have some sweet moments.
    • Any endings where Shaun and Ethan live are heartwarming by default, but especially the Golden Ending. You went through five kinds of hell and the bullet point below, but it's all worth it because you saved them and the surviving characters can move on with their lives.
    • Depending on interpretation, Scott visiting Ethan's grave in the “Ethan’s Grave” ending counts. He appears genuinely mournful, and the fact that he would even consider visiting the grave of the same man he put through utter hell shows that he isn’t truly heartless.
    • Madison’s “Square One” ending is depressing, but Sam’s concerned voicemail indicates how close the two are.
    • In the “Innocent” ending, Grace brings Shaun to greet Ethan when he’s released from the station. Ethan promises he’ll never leave Shaun again as the two hug.
    • “A New Start” shows Ethan and Shaun moving into a new apartment, with both looking genuinely happy for the first time since the start of the game. This exchange just sells how strong their bond is.
    Shaun: It doesn’t matter where we live, as long as we’re together.
    Ethan: I will never let anyone or anything separate us again. We’re stuck with each other, kiddo. Like glue!
    • “A New Life” has Madison moving in with Ethan and Shaun. She reassures Ethan that they can move on with their lives together, then smiles and watches him playfully chase Shaun around the apartment.
    • Both “A New Start” and “A New Life” close out on Shaun laughing as the screen fades out. After all the poor kid’s been through, he deserves some genuine happiness.
