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Heartwarming / He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021)

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Season One

  • Adam's establishing character moment? Scaling a cliff to rescue a scared tiger cub stuck in a tree. Said tiger cub is Cringer's nephew.
  • In episode 5, Eldress comforting Teela when she realize Teela is hesitant to transform into the Sorceress again, because she's afraid that she has no control over her destiny. Eldress assures Teela that she always have a choice.
  • After stopping Ork-0 from re-enacting a battle the original Orko had with a giant monster, Duncan/Man-At-Arms asks the bot how the fight ended and then recreates it.
    Man-At-Arms: How did the story of Orko and the Colossor end, little guy?
    Ork-0: I... turned it into a tree.
    Man-At-Arms uses his powers to turn all the falling metal into a tree sculpture.
  • In episode 7 we see a flashback about how Cringer found the amnesiac Adam and took him in.
  • Also in episode 7, Teela tells a distraught Ork-0 that they all belong with each other after he has an existential crisis.
  • In episode 10, Skeletor gives He-Man a Sadistic Choice: Continue trying to break Skeletor's staff and save all of Eternia, or break off and save his father, King Randor, from getting shot by a military dropship. Ram Ma'am, who has been having personal issues with He-Man for several episodes because she's afraid he will abandon her for his birth family, barely hesitates before deciding to save King Randor herself so He-Man doesn't have to make that choice.
  • Despite his brother attempted coup, King Randor placed a funeral for Prince Keldor along with his son, believing the Power only tempted Keldor to do so. But may no longer feel this way when he sees Keldor become the monster he is deep inside.

Season Two

  • King Randor and Man-E-Faces bonding over the fact that King Randor can bring himself to apologize for his own shortcomings. It shows Man-E-Faces that Randor is more than just an arrogant king like his father who cast Man-E out.
  • A small one in episode 5 of Season 2; The fact that Skeletor, of all people, begrudgingly in his own way shows his appreciation to Duncan for celebrating his birthday while trapped in a Pocket Dimension shows a surprising level of humility and compassion from the guy who touts Love Is a Weakness.
    Skeletor: The cake was... (quietly) pretty good.
  • There's also the fact that Duncan decided to throw a party for Skeletor's birthday in the first place. The guy's trapped in a Pocket Dimension with his team's mortal enemy that's tried to kill them multiple times and plans to take over the world, but yet upon learning it's Skeletor's birthday, his first instinct was to understand what birthdays and birthday parties were immediately and prepare a party for him.
  • In the season finale, with Eternos saved from Skeletor, King Randor invites all of the Masters of the Universe into his royal court. He names Teela his Royal Magician, Duncan his Royal Weapons Master, and Cringer the Royal Archivist. He intended to make Krass his Royal Emissary and liaison to the Tiger Tribe, but Adam stops him. He and Krass are Like Brother and Sister, but Adam wants to make it official, convincing his father to adopt Krass and make her a princess. Sadly, due to a combination of Skeletor's manipulation and Poor Communication Kills, Krass didn't hear that part and assume Adam didn't want her.
    • Despite being angry at Cringer for choosing to stay instead of returning to the Tiger Tribe with her, Krass gave him a big hug before stealing the Sigil.

Season Three

  • Despite Krass now using Havoc, working with Skeletor, and calling herself Rampage, Adam/He-Man is determined to get her back and refuses to hurt her even when they are coming to blows. On the other end, Krass/Rampage repeatedly fails to fully embrace her new allegiance whenever she faces her old friend and either gets a happy look on her face when he appears or keeps sliding into the habit of working with him when something outside their new antagonistic dynamic shows up. Hell, she even smiles when Adam is cured of his Havoc corruption, and while displaying some snark about Adam's help against the reanimated Skeletor, she's genuinely happy to see him.
  • When King Randor comments to Rampage that he knows what it's like to lose family, Skeletor's ghost actually feels some genuine guilt. Seems like as much as he hates the king, a bit of Keldor still loves his kid brother.
  • King Randor has a moment to sit down with Cringer and personally thanks him for raising Adam into the compassionate young man he is today. Cringer replies that it was his honor to help Adam along.
  • There is something adorable about all the Ork-0 units building a new community on Trolla, all taking on their own roles such as "Ork-0 the builder," "Ork-0 the Baker" and "Ork-0 the accountant."
  • Ork-0 finally meeting Orko the Great is a tremendous heartwarming moment... not only because Ork-0 is so thrilled to see his namesake that he gives him a big hug (much like Orko used to hug people in the Filmation series), but also because of the revelation that — despite what earlier seasons had us believe — this version of Orko isn't an Adaptational Jerkass, but is in fact every bit as friendly and amicable as previous incarnations.
  • When Ork-0 is trying to figure out how to work magic, having trouble reconciling the fact that it runs on belief with the fact that he knows it's real regardless of his belief in it, all the other Ork-0 units start cheering him on. This triggers Ork-0 to gain enough confidence to do actual magic for the first time.
    Ork-0: Abracadabra, Abracadee. The key to real magic is my belief in me!
  • Adam has just trashed Tri-Klops when the robot tried to steal the Sword of Power, so what does Duncan do? He works at repairing (and upgrading) the robot, feeling a Commonality Connection since Kronis had always referred to Duncan as one of his creations and treated him with just as little respect. Getting more sympathy and respect from a mortal enemy than its own creator triggers a Heel–Face Turn for Tri-Klops.
  • Ork-0 convincing Orko to stop hiding from his mistakes and reconcile with his people. The way he does it makes for a very sweet Mythology Gag to the moral lessons of the original series.
    Ork-0: Orko, you taught me something today. No one's perfect. We all make mistakes. But if you don't try, you'll never get any better. If you don't try, you'll never have a reason to believe in yourself.
  • Evil-Lyn giving Rampage advice to walk away from Skeletor. She knows firsthand that Keldor was a lying snake before he became Skeletor, and warns her of the risk she is taking.
  • When Skeletor tries to kill Krass by pushing her into Corrupted Castle Grayskull's Havoc beam, Adam gives up the Sword of Power in order to keep him from killing her. This realization is what prompts Krass to let go of her (misunderstood) vendetta against Adam, realizing he truly is her brother.
  • The reformed Tri-Klops is wondering what it does now and after a moment of thought, Ork-0 offers it the position of Ork-0's assistant to Tri-Klops's delight.
  • Rampage was concerned when she saw a Havoc-powered He-Man appear on the Dark Masters' side of the portrait. Then she smiled when He-Man returns to the Masters' side. Despite their current animosity, she doesn't want her foster brother to turn evil like she did.
  • Krass gives Adam her helmet to protect him from the rubble of Castle Grayskull. That's right. Krass, the most selfish of the Masters who had reignited the whole conflict because of a misunderstanding with Adam, gave up her most prized possession and the last thing to remember her parents by, to save her foster brother. While it cracks apart, Krass doesn't care, showing she's beginning to move on.
  • After defeating Skeletor, Adam uses the Power of Grayskull to purge the Havoc out of his uncle, restoring him back into Prince Keldor. While it may be that Keldor was too dangerous to keep empowered or alone, Adam did it out of decency.
  • Once everything was said and done, the Masters returned to the ruins of Castle Grayskull, trying to decide what they should do next, whether they should rebuild Castle Grayskull or live in the royal palace... As Adam ultimately comes to a realization: where they live doesn't exactly matter. Regardless of whether they stay at a rebuilt Castle Grayskull, live in Eternos, or return to the Tiger Tribe, what truly matters is that as long as they're together, everywhere can be their home, with all of the Masters of the Universe quickly agreeing that they are indeed a family.
  • And upon ultimately deciding they're a family, Adam makes a grand decision as Prince: To grant the Power to everyone across Eternia, so that everyone is able to know that they too have the power to make the world a better place.
  • As much of a nightmare as Hordak is, it’s genuinely sweet see him genuinely address Evil-Lyn as an equal. Even better is that the 'Wings of Hor(o/a)koth' attack has apparently always been the father coming to help the daughter.
