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Heartwarming / Forever After

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Unmarked Spoilers ahead!

...and they lived Happily Ever After.

  • In episode 1, Robin pretends to not want a plastic prince-crown out of pettiness and seemingly carelessly throws it over her shoulder. However, she actually threw it away because she noticed a little boy nearby really wanted it and it was the last one. A sweet way to establish Robin as a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
  • While their relationships starts off more than a bit rocky, it's still nice to see Tank do his best to keep Robin out of trouble.
    • Tank advises Robin, patiently explains the rules of the world to her to his best capabilities and literally pulls her out of danger several times. Tank is undyingly loyal to Robin even before her Character Development makes her someone actually worthy of that loyalty.
    • Seeing Robin and Tank go from two individuals forced together by circumstance, to sort of Vitriolic Best Buds to eventually Fire-Forged Friends is pretty nice too.
  • Tank telling Robin he's glad the Fates picked her to be Prince Charming in episode 11.
  • Hira and Makemnoit's friendship. Both have Undying Loyalty and a deep respect for the other and won't hesitate to defend their friend. Makemnoit is so loyal to Hira that Wicked Witch's murder of Hira's mentor Bastinda immediately and irrevocably made him her hated enemy as well.
  • While Rapunzel's story carries a fair bit of tragedy, with his original love having either died or abandoned him, he gets a happy ending after all in the form of his children. Rapunzel is a doting father to the two and even refers to them as all he needs.
  • Robin and Tank changing The Little Sea Maid so that Aurelia not only doesn't die, but is steered away from her unhealthy crush on the prince and discovers a new passion in the form of exploring the surface world. Even better, Aurelia manages to convince her father that the surface is not all bad and that merpeople are fully capable of coexisting with humans through her research.
  • Robin, Lea and Tank deciding to let Urikohime stay in Momotaro to protect her from her own story's ending.
    • The way Momotaro and Urikohime are immediately smitten with each other and how episode 24 ends on a shot of them happily smiling at each other under the falling cherry blossoms.
  • The Alice's Adventures in Wonderland arc has a lot of sweet moments.
    • Tank and Robin comforting Alice, telling them that they don't have to constantly accommodate others at the price of being uncomfortable themselves.
    Robin: There's enough space in the world for everyone to be as they like.
    • The Cheshire Cat sincerely congratulating Alice for standing up to him and telling them they might beat Wonderland after all.
    • Tank and Robin being ready to fight the card guards in order to protect Alice.
    • Alice sympathizing with and comforting the Queen of Hearts after Wonderland disappears and telling her that she should find a kingdom that she can truly call her own.
    • Alice peacefully dozing off on the meadow, finally getting some well-earned rest after all they've gone through, as the sun sets and Robin reads their happily ever after. It even provides the page image!
  • While the Strange Tales arc contains mostly Nightmare Fuel, it does have some sweet moments.
    • Robin encouraging Ming's goal of becoming an imperial scholar and telling Ming with full confidence that she'll ace the exam.
    • Tank having a heart to heart with Yen and Yen telling Tank that failing alone isn't cause for punishment and that maybe Tank just needs to work on himself to overcome his "purgatory" of being a fairy.
    • The group giving the wandering ghost a proper funeral, making it finally able to follow the river to the afterlife.
    • Ming concluding that she wishes to be an official who helps all people, no matter of what upbringing. A decision that even Yen, who has a distaste for officials, wholeheartedly approves of.
  • Tank and Robin getting together.
