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Heartwarming / Dragonbored

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  • Jimbroth puts a blanket over a very sick Jessica, after accidentally giving her food poisoning, by cooking goose in a toilet. While the scene prior was funny, it really shows how regretful he is at accidentally making his new friend sick.
    • He also sits up all night in the room while she toughs out the food poisoning, offering a stark contrast to Carl, who returns to his game while Jessica is still in the bathroom vomiting.
    • Later on, he gives her a necklace that he obtained through a rigorous dungeon crawl that killed all his kinsmen, saying that he'll only give it to the one he sees as the purest, which he sees is Jessica. This could double as a Moment of Awesome as this is being done right in front of Carl and could best be seen as "I lived your life." in complete silence.
    • While the party scene was a big disaster, the fact that the entire thing started because Jimbroth wanted to give his friend one more chance to live his life was pretty heartwarming. This line alone said it all.
    Jimbroth: We must set sail... for friendship.
