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Heartwarming / Blue Eye Samurai

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  • Mizu's whole relationship with Swordfather, who takes her in and becomes something of a father figure for her.


  • Madame Kaji's relation with Kinuyo is rather wholesome to say the least. She had bought her from an abusive father and raised her like a daughter. When Kinuyo made a mistake at a task, she'd defend herself out of fear being slapped, but Kaji would ressaure and help the silent girl to try again. Eventually, their bond would grow stronger and Kinuyo began to trust Kaji.

The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride

  • Even though neither of them have any real fighting skills, Akemi takes place at Ringo's side in holding off the bandits with just a small knife.
    Akemi: Now they have to get through both of us.
    Ringo: You're the bravest princess I've ever met.

Nothing Broken

  • When Ringo comes to Swordfather with the badly injured Mizu and Taigen, he is unwilling to get involved. Then he recognizes the unique sound of Mizu's blade hitting the ground and lets them in.
  • After her failure to repair her sword, Mizu is gazing morosely over the ocean and angsting about her failure to complete her sworn task, as well as being a twisted disaster of a human being. Swordfather's reaction? He baps her head with his tongs, just like he used to do when she was a kid. The simplicity and affection of the gesture shocks Mizu out of her doom and gloom immediately.

The Great Fire of 1657

  • Seki finally comes around about Akemi, stealing a sizable sum of her father's fortune in cash in order to give her an opportunity to flee and make a life for herself (even if she ends up choosing to stay).
