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Heartwarming / Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

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  • There's just something charming about both Circle K scenes: not only do Future Bill and Ted reassure their past selves about how much they are going to enjoy the trip through time they are about to partake in, but when Bill and Ted close the loop later on, they are positively delighted to be able to talk to their past selves.
  • The scene taking place in the future. Especially the reactions of the people there, getting to see their idols, the men that shaped their culture, in the flesh... the smiles on The Three Most Important People in the World is what really does it.
    • Really, it's rather heartwarming to discover that in the future, the entire universe has finally managed to let go of their petty squabbles to embrace a simple philosophy of altruism and living life to the fullest. Bill and Ted aren't only beloved for their music, but for being genuinely nice guys.
    • This is all set to In Time - Robbie Robb, which really helps set the awe and mystical feel of the scene.
    • A commenter on YouTube perfectly sums up this utopia by saying this: "Brilliant scene, rather than follow the rich and powerful, the world decided to live by the example of two decent kids who wore their hearts on their sleeve and wanted to enjoy life."
    • Given that the majority of people in their own time look down on them or don't take them seriously, seeing Bill and Ted look around in awe at all of these people gazing at them in admiration is really heartwarming to see.
    • It's even more powerful once you've seen the third movie, because you've witnessed the surreal, once-in-a-universe event that made it all happen. In effect, you are also one of the future people in that scene, looking at them in awe if not also tears.
  • When Ted apparently gets stabbed (he was in armor and rolled down a staircase, ending up in front of a real knight), Bill runs to him, begs him "Don't be dead, dude", and attacks the guy who stabbed him in a berserk rage... and then Ted saves him (he fell out of his armor). The two hug in glee (even if they do step back and call each other a "fag" immediately). It's a really nice moment that really shows their friendship.
  • A small one, but when Ludwig van Beethoven at the mall is first shown the electronic synthesizer, the look of amazement on his face when the clerk turns the music on, followed by his sheer joy in playing along with it, is something to see. It even becomes a Moment of Awesome by the end of his amazing performance, but the start is especially poignant when coupled with the Reality Subtext of Beethoven having lost his hearing while still writing music. The fact he could hear this implies he hadn't lost it yet (so his seeming inattention during his kidnapping by the boys was simply being lost in his music), so it's quite something seeing him enjoy a new kind of instrument and music production while he still has the chance. The only way it could have been better is if they'd shown him getting to hear his own work that he hadn't yet written, the work he wrote while deaf.
  • Ever notice that Bill and Ted finally learn to get the names of the historical figures right during their presentation? "So-crates" is properly Socrates, Beethoven is not "Beeth-oven", and they demonstrate that, yes, they really can learn when they put their minds to it.
  • NapolĂ©on Bonaparte (who, despite his accomplishments, did not have the most carefree life), rediscovering his inner child and having the time of his life at the water park;
    • After conquering his own fear, he encourages a scared girl to go down a waterslide.
  • Socrates and Billy the Kid becoming friends. The pair even work well together while rescuing Bill and Ted from being executed during their stay in medieval times.
