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Headscratchers / Video Game High School

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    Book reports 

  • Why is the Racing Team assigning book reports? Weren't the main characters trying out for TEAMS, not CLASSES?
    • In a school that literally cares about nothing but video games, the distinction between the two is minimal.
    • Then again, why a book report?
    • Perhaps Drift King is keeping his students' minds sharp. You do need to be aware and attentive to drive a car either in real life or a video game. Strong minds lead to better drivers.
    • What driving class assigns book reports?
    • Well, my "Driver's Education" course had a project where you had to find and discuss a few vehicle-related news articles throughout each week. If the course were an actual school course, then larger projects (such as essays) wouldn't have been too unreasonable. And then you have to consider the "serious business" that is video games: the Coach of the FPS team wrote a book featuring an extremely large amount of FPS strategies, we get physics lessons about weapon mechanics and drift discussions, and those are only a few examples. A "book report" then doesn't seem out-of-place.
    • Perhaps he wants them to read about the great drift racers of history? Or maybe in this universe, philosophers discuss the nature of drifting instead of boring things like ethics? That would fit DK's pseudo-mystic style.
    • There is mention of 'Drift Monks' in Season 2 Episode 4, so perhaps there is an entire philosophy around racing games.


  • Ki is caught by Freddie for doing Ted's homework, and his concern is that she was supposed to do NO homework. Shouldn't the issue be that she is doing another student's homework?
    • Freddie is an asshole with a strong personal dislike for Ki. He was looking for an excuse to not only fail her, but fail her in the most humiliating way possible. Plus this way, they could play up the scene like she'd been caught doing drugs, which is very much what the scene felt like.
    • That doesn't change the fact that she was doing Ted's work for him. Isn't that plagiarism to an extent?
    • Pretty sure that's a problem Ted and Drift King have to deal with, and they do so later in the episode.
    • When's that? There's never any mention of it after Episode 1.
    • Ted comes clean that he didn't do the report, apologizes and takes responsibility for not doing it, and even hands back the corn dog. He is then given an extension. Sure it's not exactly "professional" but it doesn't seem to be a "class assignment" (otherwise they wouldn't need to sneak into the Teacher's Lounge to get sodas) and the school isn't that "professional" to begin with (at least in terms of our standards).
    • The bigger question might be how Freddie is able to enforce such a paradoxical assignment. If Ki legitimately slacks off, then she's not doing her homework, which fulfills the requirements. But! That means she is doing her homework, which means she fails the assignment. So no matter how she goes about it, she's Doomed To Fail.
    • Calhoun explicitly allowed this assignment, likely because he hates everyone. Thankfully, Freddie is too stupid to turn into a Failure Is the Only Option situation; he just knew Ki loves homework and wanted a way to screw her over.

    Other classes 

  • Ki notes that Freddie has not given her homework in weeks and because of that, she's having some sort of existential crisis. Does she not have any other classes to attend? And even if she doesn't, can't she just do some sort of independent study?
    • It would seem that she doesn't have other classes. In fact, the episode in Season 1 where everyone signs up for a class shows that they only take one class after their "introductory" sets. Otherwise there wouldn't have been a problem for Ted to take both Racing and Rhythm courses. Additionally, she sits in on the other classes and clubs but doesn't seem to fit into any of them. As to "independent study", the school seems to not care and she probably wouldn't know where to begin to look.
    • Firstly, she doesn't have other classes, because this school only teaches each student one course at a time. She also can't do any independent study because she wasn't just not given homework. She was given an assignment, and that assignment was don't do any homework!

    Arcade job 

  • Did Brian not keep his job running that arcade? It seemed to be going pretty well and would've probably helped contribute to filling up his debt now that his scholarship (which was never mentioned during Season 1) is gone.
    • Probably because it would be a full time job, so he wouldn't be able to both run the arcade AND go to school.
    • Then could he not just put someone else in charge and make himself part-time? If he got put in charge after one day, I doubt it'd be that hard to move positions around.

    Opening cage 

  • Couldn't Shotbot have ripped open the cage and gotten Law out that way?
    • Probably, but that wouldn't have been NEARLY as dramatic.
    • They showed him being able to fly at the beginning of the episode. Having deliberately put himself in a life-threatening situation when there is an obvious way around it isn't dramatic, it's stupid.
    • And is Shotty not the kind of bot to do something stupid precisely because it's dramatic? We didn't even know he could fly until he jumped out a skyscraper for an appropriately dramatic exit.
    • That was so he wouldn't fall to the ground and be crushed, IE actual logical sense. When he sacrifices himself for The Law, there is none.
  • On that note, Shotbot. A robot equipped with presumably a full-fledged AI that can fly, is strong enough to crack open that dunk tank...and isn't waterproof? What would have happened if someone spilled coffee on him during work hours?

    Framing the Law 

  • Why did Shane want to frame The Law? I can't think of any way that it benefits him. Law wasn't looking into politics like Shane is, and he never did anything that may have hurt Shane's chances at that UNTIL the blackmailing, which is forgotten in the season finale anyway.
    • Shane's *Cough* Snark *Cough* moment in the final episode of season 2 is a huge hint at his motivation - as the captain of the RTS team among other things, he seems to resent the amount of attention VGHS' FPS team gets. Crippling the FPS team by making their star player look bad is not out of the realm of possibility for Shane. Hell, getting the FPS team shut down due to the aimbot conviction had to have been a nice bonus for him as well (until Ki mucked it up by finding the loophole in the rules).
    • The Reveal from the end of the first episode of season 3 now puts a new light on this question. What better way to aid your brother's takeover of his biggest competitor by driving said competitor's biggest star into the figurative arms of your brother's own school?
    • During Season 3 we discover it was all part of their plan to increase their stock price so they could takeover VGHS.
