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Headscratchers / Vanish

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  • If the Molemen made the tunnels your character finds, why can't they enter them when they chase after you and you hide in one? And if the molemen didn't make them, what did?
    • The fact that we actually see a moleman entering the tunnels makes it more confusing.
  • Who are the people that send the protagonist into the sewers?
  • Why does the protagonist faint after he's lived long enough in-game, and why does he wake up in another area afterwards? Shouldn't the molemen have killed him while he's unconscious?
    • The tunnels are shifting and recreating themselves as you move through them, so while the fainting may be due to any number of things ranging from stress to Eldritch-living-tunnel-mind-buggery, the molemen do not get you because you are physically inaccessible while the maze re-shifts around you.
  • If Hank, Phil, and a number of other people were eaten by the monsters (most likely given they clearly never retrieved the keys and you can find hard hats in the tunnels suggesting more workers died after them), where are the bones and bloodsplatters?
    • For all we know the monsters might have simply eaten those too.
  • If Hank and Phil both went missing, and it is known that they worked in the tunnels, how has there not been a manhunt for them that has led people to the tunnels to discover the monsters? It's implied by the discarded helmets located throughout the tunnels that other workers were killed after them. When someone goes missing, you'd think police would check the place they worked, in this case the tunnels. If underground maintenance workers went missing, why wouldn't the police check the tunnels where they worked?
