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Headscratchers / They Live!

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  • It's broad daylight and very sunny outside and yet a spinning transmitter is saying "Sleep". Why are the aliens telling thee humans to go to sleep now? Shouldn't it sound more like "Work!" or "Spend Money"??
    • I assume it means "sleep" in a more metaphorical sense, to ignore the flaws with society that you don't need the sunglasses to see. Alternatively, perhaps it means "sleep" as in "you worked hard at your 9-5 job, so go to bed early since you don't have the energy to protest against the way things are anyway."
    • They're general, non immediate instructions. That's why you don't have people Marrying and Reproducing right there on the sidewalk.
  • Wouldn’t people have noticed the aliens that were shot at the bank bleeding an alien type of blood?
    • The satellite that makes the people see the aliens as just ordinary people should have also made them see the funky Alien Blood as normal red blood.
