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Headscratchers / The Wolf of Wall Street

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  • The math on Jordan's race after Aunt Emma dies is just bugging me. The stated amount that's at stake is $20 million. When Jordan knows that he might lose that if he can't get to Geneva in time he panics. But in the process they're nearly killed, and he loses his yacht and helicopter. Surely those are worth more than $20 million? And even if they were insured, sailing against weather advisory makes that payout iffy. And then after the rescue, they're partying with no indication the $20 million was ever saved. So basically Jordan's out $20 million, plus the yacht and helicopter (and presumably the pants he was wearing at the time), but it's dropped with no consequence. And I have trouble seeing the character as just happy to be alive and not caring about the money at that point.
    • From my understanding, the yacht and all its assets (chopper, etc) are vulnerable to seizure by the FBI's criminal investigation since they are publicly owned by Jordan. Agent Denham even joked about becoming a hero to his colleagues if he nails Jordan and confiscates the yacht for the Bureau. However, the $20 million in the Swiss bank can't be touched by the American authorities. Jordan made a calculated risk to protect his 'safe' stash of money, especially since he took his boat captain's word that the sea journey would be rough but not dangerous. Of course, the captain severely underestimated the weather conditions and Jordan ended up losing both the yacht and the money in Aunt Emma's Swiss bank account.
    • So the loss ended up being unavoidable due to Jordan's ultimately poor decision (based on flawed advice), that's reasonable but then after that. Why are he and the other characters partying and happy after the money AND the assets are taken from him?
  • How did the FBI agent get hold of the yellow note Jordan had used to warn Donny that he is bugged? Wouldn't Jordan have safely disposed of it? He was clean at the time and the note wasn't even crumpled.
    • Donny may have turned on Jordan either before or right after this conversation.
