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Headscratchers / The Simpsons S 7 E 2 Radioactive Man

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  • Moe was apparently an actor for The Little Rascals film series. We are also told that he killed the original Alfalfa which would put those Series in the 1930s. If Moe were acting in the 1930s, that would put him in his'60s or early 70s. I didn't think Mo was that old in the series
    • Moe's age is never really given. Since the Simpsons plays fast and loose with history, it's likely just for the gag.
  • I get that the plot of the episode requires it, but how exactly did Milhouse get the role? Given his reluctance to audition, there's no way he put in a good performance even if he is actually a good actor (which is also dubious)
    • The makers of the Radioactive Man film are shown to be less than competent in many ways so maybe they didn't care about his performance all that much. They probably just wanted to get the audition process over with and get on with production.
    • In some of the spin-off comics, Fallout Boy's civilian identity before getting his powers is presented as a nerdy teen akin to pre-spider-bite Peter Parker (Spider-Man); they may have cast Milhouse more because he looked like the stereotype of pre-powered Fallout Boy rather than really thinking about his ability to do the job.
