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Headscratchers / The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special

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  • The gang celebrates Life Day on Kashyyyk and invites all of Chewbacca's family along with some other guests, including Maz Kanata. But why does Maz Kanata proclaim Chewie as her boyfriend if Chewie's wife and son are at the party? Does this mean that Chewie cheats on his wife?
  • Why doesn't the portal immediately close after Rey leaves the Second Death Star, allowing Emperor Palpatine to send Darth Vader through the portal so he can retrieve the Key? Every time Rey uses the crystal, the portal closes right after she and BB-8 go through it, so why it did take so long to close aboard the Second Death Star?
  • How is possible for Greedo to attend the Life Day celebration on Kashyyyk if he was killed by Han Solo thirty-five years earlier?
    • He didn’t. It was a different Rodian, with a notably different voice.
  • Shouldn't Rey's meddling with time have caused multiple time paradoxes? Even if any of the characters she brought to Tatooine during the events of A New Hope weren't killed (minus Greedo), shouldn’t their knowledge about the future and meeting other versions of themselves have created confusion and changed some of their future actions?
    • Most likely time travel using the crystal is multiple-timeline; nothing she does in those timelines affects the world she came from. Otherwise, using it to teach life lessons would be Misapplied Phlebotinum anyway given that it could eg. be used to prevent the fall of the Republic or numerous other terrible events. (Palpatine indicates he intends to use it to kill people in the past, but he just learned it exists and may not know how it works; or he might simply decide to stay in the timeline he creates by doing so, since unlike the heroes he'd have no real compunction about killing and replacing his alt-timeline self.)
  • Why does Emperor Palpatine act so surprised when Kylo Ren tells him that Darth Vader ends up throwing him to his death aboard the Second Death Star if, as a Sith, he should know that Darth Vader could be searching for an apprentice of his own to usurp him? The Novelization of The Rise of Skywalker does reveal that Palpatine knew that Vader would eventually try to overthrow him and that was why he had arranged all those preparations on Exegol to clone himself. So why is Palpatine worried if he has all those clones waiting for him on Exegol if something happens to him?
    • Knowing in the abstract that Vader is seeking to overthrow him is very different from knowing about a specific betrayal at a specific point in time - especially one that is mere minutes in the future.
  • When Kylo Ren tells Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine about how he overthrew Snoke and usurped his throne as Supreme Leader, why are neither Rey nor the Elite Praetorian Guards seen in his flashback? It was because of Rey that Kylo got the opportunity to kill Snoke and the Praetorian Guards were there when Kylo committed the deed.
  • Despite being related, why doesn't the special mention that Rey is Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter?
    • Because Palpatine hasn’t conceived her yet and Rey denounced her heritage already.
  • Doesn't Palpatine's Heel–Face Turn at the end create a time paradox? While he falls towards the Second Death Star's reactor, Palpatine realizes Darth Vader's kindness, so he decides to stop being evil. Of course, he dies upon reaching the reactor, but his spirit will go to a clone body waiting for him on Exegol. However, if Palpatine returns, doesn't this mean that he will never try to reconquer the galaxy and will be good from then on, thus disbanding the Sith Eternal and causing the events of the Sequel Trilogy to never happen at all? The fact that Rey and her friends are still normal in the present creates so much confusion about this...
