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Headscratchers / The Journeyman Project

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  • In Buried in Time, how is it that near the beginning of the game Arthur can make a copy of himself to your blank biochip no problem, but then at the end he has to transfer himself entirely into Agent 3's time suit instead of just copying himself again?
    • Possibly the difference of hardware. It was AI Nexus that wrote a copy of Arthur onto a blank biochip, so without access to his original "body" Arthur may not have been able to make a second copy of himself.
  • In Legacy of Time, how did Michelle find the other two time civilizations being attacked by aliens? It's implied she ended up in Atlantis by accident after Arthur infected her timesuit, but there's nothing in Atlantis that links directly to the other time zones (let alone how to find them if she did), which are not only millennia apart but also on other continents. And since the destruction of all three civilizations is part of the normal course of history, they wouldn't show up on a timescan looking for abnormalities. Additionally, by this point she's considered a fugitive, so asking the TSA for help wouldn't be an option for her.
    • Completely speculating, it's possible she discovered this in one of her Buried in Time research trips that traumatized her (as part of her motivation from giving the technology to everyone) and she was able to piece things together after her experience in Atlantis.
  • In Legacy of Time, It's stated that leaving a working time suit in 1262 BC causes a massive time rip (one that multiplies exponentially as it travels forward) due to how much its presence alters history. It makes total sense — other than the fact leaving it where it is would very likely result it in being destroyed by the explosion that wiped Atlantis clean off the map (which happens mere minutes after Gage arriving to find the time suit there). What we see and hear in the third game makes the destruction look pretty total and the death screens in the second game show the time suit isn't particularly damage resistant(almost anything can penetrate the suit to kill Agent 5). Together this seems to imply there wouldn't be much of the time suit left to find after the final destruction of Atlantis and it's an island that "according to history, never existed" so it's unlikely anyone is going to be coming by in the near future to scour the ruins (unless the aliens decided to pick over the area they just devastated with a fine tooth comb afterwards).
    • This is likely exactly what happens. After recording the time code piece in the ruins of Shangri-La, Agent 5 is briefly discovered by on-foot, seemingly aggressive Cyrollan scouts before being automatically warped out to safety. (How this event didn't end up causing another temporal distortion is anyone's guess.)
  • Pegasus Prime keeps the Uncreated game-over, which you can get by skipping out on work, thus showing that Gage Blackwood doesn't exist in the new timeline — but if you follow the path you're meant to, it is shown that a version of him does exist in the new timeline, since the alternate version of his boss recognizes him on sight as Gage and is only confused about the early return and the unfamiliar uniform.
    • Yes, but the version of Gage that the player controls does not exist anymore. The "canon" Gage Blackwood is erased by the temporal rip.
