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Headscratchers / The Journey of Natty Gann

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  • Did the reform school continue searching for Natty, or did they eventually give up? Alternately, did they also learn of the train wreck and presume she died, like her father thought she had?
    • A lot to unpack there. First of all, I believe her stay at the reform school happens after the train wreck. (I can't remember; you'll have to look that up.) And how would they acquire that information, anyway? The only reason her dad found out about it was because they retrieved her wallet with her identifying information. But more important, what does any of this even matter? By the end she's reunited with her dad thousands of miles away in a totally different state. In any case, I doubt that searching for runaways from their facility is a big priority for reform schools during the Depression. But even if for some bizarre reason they searched across state lines and managed to find her with her dad, they'd have no legal claims for taking her back, as she'd now have proof that she's no orphan and has a home.
