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Headscratchers / The Angry Birds Movie

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  • How was Red's egg able to end up in the Lost and Found things without being reclaimed? Bird Island doesn't have orphanages? If Red had no parents or guardians, then how was his education paid for?
    • If his parents died, the egg would not have been claimed. His education was likely paid for by the state, just as most students in our world. And just because we don't see any orphanages doesn't mean there aren't any.
  • Is Red the only bird who has had problems with the Sick Bird? Why hasn't the Sick Bird learned to cover his nose and beak with his wing by this point?
  • Why doesn't Judge Peckinpah give Red a worse punishment if he, well, assaulted Edward by throwing a cake in his face, nearly injured Edward's and Eva's hatchling by falling on the egg and humiliated him at the court by exposing his aide? Even if Peckinpah deserved it for being a Jerkass towards him, Red also did some nasty things prior to that, like beating up the Mime Bird, launching a little bird into the sea for kicking his dirty ball against Red’s house and even slapping a doctor for examining him. Red's actions certainly should have guaranteed something worse than going to an Anger Management Class.
    • The judge makes it rather clear when he pronounces sentence: anger management is the harshest penalty allowed by law.
  • Why isn't Terrance in prison? Even if it's never described what he did, it's heavily implied it was something terrible because of Matilda's horror and the sounds from his flashback, which indicate that at least there was an accident and some female bird was involved in it. What's worse is that Terrance has no apparent regrets, which really puts into question why he was just sent to Anger Management Class.
    • As above, it seems there is no prison on Bird Island.
  • If Red harassed the Pigs by complaining that they had destroyed his house, why did no one volunteer to help Red rebuild his house so he would shut up and stop complaining? Especially the Pigs, if they wanted to be in good terms with all the Birds. Had they done that, then maybe Red would have stopped suspecting them...
    • Red is not well-liked by the other birds, so that's probably why there are no volunteers. King Leonard seems to pick up on this and get the support of the other birds by ignoring Red.
  • The third gift that Pigs give birds during banquet is implied to be disco ball due to them dancing to the disco lights after Red returns from infiltrating Pigs ship. But sequel shows us that birds already had disco balls due to disco lights appearing during prom featured in Reds flashback of how he was alone before becoming hero of Bird Island. Continuity Error?
