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Headscratchers / 65

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The language barrier.

  • Yes, Mills says the translator is broken - but evidently the advanced gizmos he has don't have multi-language settings either, like WE have today. Setting it to speak in Koa's language for her could have at least helped her understand what was going on a little better.
  • Advanced holographic technology, and Mils draws "mountain" in dust on a table.
    • Who says he has an art program that can be used to draw holographic mountains? Or that he's got any ability at using it? Or that it wouldn't take much longer to communicate a message he manages to convey simply drawing in dust?

The ship's medical supply.Faster-than-light travel, advanced computers, holograms and the ship's medical supply amounts to a junk drawer?

  • For a ship that was just supposed to transport cargo from one point to another, it actually seems to have quite a lot of survival gadgets.

Why pass Earth anyway?There's no reason for his ship to be passing so close to our star, and if it planned on coming close to the star it would be watching very closely ahead for asteroids.

Acidic geysers.

  • Is there someone here who can tell me just what is up with these? Are geysers that spray acid a known phenomenon that I'm unfamiliar with, or is this just something the filmmakers pulled out of left field to add to the Death World atmosphere of the setting?
    • That's probably just boiling hot water hitting relatively soft flesh at a very high velocity. It can leave NASTY injuries.
      • Yeah, google "burned by geyser" and see what happens when people come into contact with geyser water.
