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Headscratchers / Side Effects

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  • Siebert is ultimately undone when Emily is convinced to wear a wire and capture Siebert revealing details about the conspiracy. But Banks could also have recorded the several meetings he has with Siebert. She makes no attempt to prevent herself from being recorded and openly discusses her role in the scam. While it might not have instantly closed the case on Emily, it would have gone a long way to convincing other people about the conspiracy's existence much sooner.
  • Banks royally screwed Emily, that's for sure, but how come he himself gets out on top again? The real facts of the case were not made public, so no way his wife should know what he knows. And from the career standpoint, what the public should see of him as a professional after his last trick is probably something even worse than before: a man who failed to recognize the symptoms of the mental illness in a patient and had to send her back to the hospital immediately after testifying in her favor...
