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Headscratchers / Rise of the Triad

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  • Two questions about El Oscuro:
  1. What is he? He seems to be an Evil Sorcerer at first, but his true form (along with him creating embryos all by himself) imply he's some kind of Eldritch Abomination. So is he an alien? Or some kind of ancient creature from Earth that just woke up recently for some reason. Also, do the other two Triad members know anything of his true nature? or not?
  2. Why, in the Downer Ending (if you don't kill all the embryos), does it just say one of his descendants came to power 30 years later and killed everyone? Did no one fight back? (even if all the heroes from the original game are dead by then, surely there would be someone who'd do something.) I could understand if something like 20 embryos survived but if you let even one survive you get the bad ending.
  • He could still be a sorcerer, just one who used his magic on hiomself to give himself a new form. Just because people fight back doesn't mean they win. And if just one survives it can spawn as many as it needs to overwhelm it's enemies.
