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Headscratchers / Revenge of the Creature

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  • So, how did the mouse end up in the pocket of Clint Eastwood's lab coat?
    • All I can think of is he grabbed them as a handful to transfer them to the cage and one slipped free of his fingers and fell into the pocket.
  • How did the Creature manage to track Helen down everywhere she went? What, did he have a 'Locate Hot Blondes' power?
    • Maybe he has much sharper senses than a human's?
      • There is a scene (Not shown in the MST3K version), where the Creature follows the boat on which Clete and Helen are traveling, which explains how he found her near the climax. How he managed previously is, I suppose, due to the "Locate Hot Blondes" power.
    • The Nose Knows probably.
