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Headscratchers / Plunderer

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How are counts determined? Its said that everyone is born with a count on their body and it increases based on whats counted. So how are counts determined? Can you just pick anything as your count and count that?

Could I pick the number of breaths I've taken? My count would be in the billions.

And if you're born with the count number branded on you, so what about when you're a baby? Do parents choose what's counted for you or does it not start till you reach an age that you could choose it yourself?

Nana's count is the number of people who said that her food was good, and if they say its bad, her count goes down. Why would she choose a count that could be decreased by other people? Her current county is 77 so doesnt that mean that a small group of people who disliked her could come to her bar, buy 77 items, take a bite, say they dislike it and send her to the abyss?
