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Headscratchers / Phantasm

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Phantasm (1979)

  • One of Mike's shoes is shown to be pulled off by lurkers when he flees the mausoleum the first time, but in later scenes he's still wearing the same pair of shoes. They don't appear to be brand new, either, so he apparently didn't just go out and buy a new pair of the exact same sneakers.
    • It's not uncommon for someone to have more than one pair of the same shoes.

Phantasm: Ravager

  • What exactly is the nature of the Tall Man? Just what is he and where does he come from? How does he effortlessly defy death with seemingly endless copies of himself? Is he really just a gold Sentinel Sphere essentially wearing a "Tall Man body suit" (formerly belonging to Jebediah Morningside) to interact with our world?
  • What does he want? It seems a cop-out to say that he's just evil for the hell of it. He's building up his army – for what? Supposedly he's conquering dimensions/worlds, but he doesn't seem to want to actually rule them, or even use them for anything, so what's his game?
  • Why is he so obsessed with Mike? It was heavily teased in films 3 and 4 that Mike is like the Tall Man, perhaps a member of his race seeded amongst humans like a Cuckoo's egg, and now that he's all grown up, his "father" (or mentor) has come to collect him and teach him the "family business." That part of the story was just seemingly abandoned in this film, along with Mike's developing psychic powers, which looked like they were going to be the key to fighting the Tall Man on his own ground and finally defeating him once and for all – if Mike wasn't seduced into joining him first.
  • It was great to get the gang together one last time, but, in the end, we just took a ride around the block, we didn't actually go anywhere. This was a Grand Finale…that didn't actually give us a Grand Finale. No questions were answered – at all. It seems more like the setup to Phantasm 6, but that film will never be made. Don Coscarelli waited too long – Angus Scrimm is now dead and rest of the cast are noticeably aged as well, so there won't be any more Phantasm films. And we will never have any of our questions answered – after waiting nearly 4 decades. Truly, fans weep for What Could Have Been.
