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Headscratchers / Once Bitten

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  • I always wondered why the Countess didn't just grab one of Mark's loser friends. They were even bigger desperate virgins than he was, and might even have happily given in. It also makes the "the next oldest one we could find was 11" line seem nonsensical, when there are two other high school virgins running around the whole time.
    • Considering the film's rationale about the Countess needing "untapped male potency", it's possible that Sebastian had pegged the two losers as the type who'd regularly expend theirs in an entirely different fashion. Mark still has his hopes up for a genuine hookup, so is "saving himself" for Robin in more ways than one.
  • Also, why aren't her teen vampire harem chasing after Mark's girlfriend? Shouldn't they need to prey on virgins, too?
    • The last we saw of Jamie and Russ, they were in the middle of being seduced by two of her female minions. It's very likely that did happen.
    • Here's my take on all of the above: 1) The Countess was pretty fixated upon Mark, and by the time she lost him it was too late to go back for the other two; 2) the line about the 11-year-old was probably just a quick gag and/or to let the audience know that our villain is not a pedophile; 3) I don't really recall, but I don't believe the film ever establishes that the Countess' harem (male or female) have the same... er, needs that she has.
    • Possibly the Countess was originally an elderly woman before she was turned, and needed virgin blood to keep herself looking younger than she would naturally appear. Her various minions were all turned at a younger age, so didn't have that particular need.
  • If the Countess is supposedly several centuries old, and she needs to drink from a virgin every year, shouldn't she have a much larger harem of vampire consorts by now?
    • It could be that only her most loyal and favored converts stay as part of her coven. The other vampires she created could be lurking all throughout the world on their own.
