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Headscratchers / Obduction

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    "No Circular Cutouts Left Behind" 
So it's established that an Ambassador Seed takes a spherical chunk of landscape with it when "obducting" a person to Hunrath — and, by extension, leaves a piece of Hunrath behind, where the person was. Has no one, over the entire course of time this has been happening, ever noticed the giant circles of misplaced landscape peppered about?
  • Weirdness Censor. Or it's the same magitech that makes the planet occupants not notice the even more giant cells inside forcefields.
    • For the really big circles, they got swapped with the equivalent area, so the dome itself seems to hide what's inside it. For the smaller stuff...I think it depends on where it is. Hunrath (and the other domes) don't appear to have or significant wind, so erosion would go really slowly, while the pieces of out of place rock on Earth would erode quickly enough that they'd likely just be seen as a weird geological curiosity that only geologists and some conspiracy theorists would fixate on, especially since it'd be really hard to connect them to a lot of the missing people. Granted, maybe they are a huge point of contention in this world, but it never comes up because the main character doesn't say anything and the only other character who talks to you isn't inclined to bring it up. Especially since the smaller seeds don't really grab that much land under normal circumstances.
