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Headscratchers / Never Have I Ever

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  • If Aneesa knew about Ben and Devi all along, why didn't she let Devi know for optics purposes? Aneesa was aware that Devi was panicking with jealousy
  • If Ben didn't plan to hook up at the relay for life, why did he sign up for a 9 pm time slot?
    • Aneesa said they signed up for the tent to get away from Devi, who was doing everything she can to stop them from talking to each other.
    • I think the person is asking about why Ben signed up for the slot (before Devi made them run a lot). If you pay attention, before Devi started interfering, Ben’s name was already on it. So the question was, “why was Ben’s name on it in the first place?”
  • Why didn't Devi point out that even though she broke Paxton's heart, there's a difference between that, and hitting him with a car? She took a lot of flak from him on that
  • Was Devi solely responsible for starting the rumor about Aneesa? Rewind to the episode in question and the girls ask "is she ano" and Devi says "probably." It seems that all three were complicit.
  • How did Devi know where Dr. Jackson lived if her mom kept the two a secret.
    • When Devi goes through her mom's planner to find evidence, she sees a note for dinner with Dr. Jackson, as well as the location (his home address).
  • Why did the camera focus on Devi’s scrunchie getting stuck on a branch when she was crawling through the woods if it wasn’t going to have any relevance to the plot?
