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Headscratchers / Miracle Mile

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  • How does the entire LAPD seem to know that Wilson wound up setting two cops on fire? The scene of the crime as well as all the evidence was destroyed when the gas station blew up, there were no security cameras or witnesses (aside from the night watchman but it's not made clear if he survived), and neither officer radioed for back up. Even if an officer happened upon the scene minutes after the explosion before emergency services got there and was able to recognize the two heavily-burned corpses as fellow officers, the more likely assumption would be they got caught in the explosion. So shouldn't they only know about the stolen police car?
    • If the bodies were identified as belonging to other police officers, the lack of a burned out police car and the fact that a young black man who clearly is not a cop was seen driving a police car would raise some eyebrows. Think of what it would have looked like; the burnt corpses of two officers are found at the scene of an exploded gas station with no police car in sight and later on a nervous civilian is seen driving the missing police car very fast. They may have assumed that he intentionally set the officers on fire, stole their car, and then blew up the gas station to get rid of the evidence. In their eyes, they were dealing with a cop-killing pyromaniac.
      • All of the above is based on a simple assumption that the police is after the guy due to the gas station incident. It is stated nowhere in the movie why he's chased after in the third act nor what crazy misadventures he had before meeting Harry again.
      • The cop on the bullhorn demanding Wilson's surrender calls him "cop killer," so they're either after him for the gas station incident or he's somehow managed to kill more cops.
    • The entire movie is Unreliable Narrator on acid, so...
    • It is possible that some people witnessed the incident from afar, or saw Wilson fleeing the scene.
    • Another possibility, considering how long it took the cops who pulled up to the station to notice the shotgun carrying clerk and finally pulling in and get out, they more than likely radioed in first about a possible robbery in progress and radioed in the two people they saw (not being aware of Harry until he tries to explain the situation). Add with the possibility of others witnessing Harry and Wilson getting into the car, they more than likely believed both were responsible. Also, considering Wilson is a resident in L.A. and Harry wasn't, the witnesses may have recognized Wilson.
  • When Harry and Julie arrive at the office rooftop, there's a helicopter present but no pilot to fly it. However, the rooftop is clearly a helipad, used for short-term landings and takeoffs, and not a heliport for long-term helicopter storage. So how did the helicopter get there in the first place? If it was flown in by one of Landa's connections, why wouldn't the pilot be there to take off once the passengers were on board?
