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Headscratchers / Mazes and Monsters

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  • Given how deep Robbie's delusion is, that he mistakes a subway train for a dragon, how did he get to New York? While the setting of the film isn't clear, Robbie at least lives outside the boundaries of Manhattan. How did he get there without using some sort of modern transportation?
    • Given that his delusions are powerful enough that he sees a street punk as a "Gorvil" a urine-encrusted subway as a dungeon, and a random hobo as the King of France, its not too far-fetched to say that he sees a bus/taxi as some kind of horse-drawn carriage, river-barge or sailing vessel.

  • Kate mentions how "how great it is to be building your own scenarios at Level 9". So, this more less state that you need to be a level nine player before being a game master. However, the game shown requires a game master. How did the first Mazes and Monsters players run a game without a game master?
    • It's probably just heavily encouraged by the community to play a character to level 9 before you start designing your own scenarios. Most likely as a way to prove you're experienced enough in the game mechanics to know what you're doing.
