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Headscratchers / Magic Knight Rayearth

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  • In the anime, why didn't Fuu try to use her healing spell on Presea?
    • There's a flashback scene in one of the later episodes taking place after the trio's first battle with one of Ascot's monsters showing that Fuu did try using her healing magic to revive Presea only for the blacksmith to be too far gone for it to work.
  • Also in the anime, since Nova is a manifestation of Hikaru's dark side, how come Umi and Fuu never gained dark doppelgangers of their own since they felt the same despair that she did?
    • The implication I got was that Nova was created because Hikaru has a stronger will/heart (remember Hikaru was chosen as the new Pillar at the end of the second season) than the other girls. Basically, Hikaru being Pillar-worthy meant that she could accidently will her grief and pain into a physical form to punish herself.
  • Why does Umi keep calling Alceone middle-aged? The icey sorceress looks like she's in her mid 30's at most.
  • So Hikaru, the magic knight of fire, is a Leo, which is a fire sign. Umi, the magic knight of water, is a Pisces, which is a water sign. But then Fuu, the magic knight of wind, is a Sagittarius, which is a fire sign. Why wasn't a girl with a wind zodiac sign summoned to be the wind knight if the other roles were assigned to girls with a matching astrological element? As much as I love Fuu, this discrepancy wouldn't stand out as much to me if Umi and Hikaru's astro elements didn't match up with the elements they respectively wield as magic knights.
    • It isn't the wind sign, but it is the Archer sign, and Fuu is an archer.
      • That just begs the question as to why Prescea forged a sword for Fuu instead of a bow & arrow, or at least a sword that could convert into a bow...
