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Headscratchers / Iron Lung

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As a Headscratchers subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Any ideas/theories as to how/why there is a moon with an ocean comprised entirely of blood?
    • Blood is just a liquid mixture like any other. Just like there are comets out there made out of stuff like diamonds, gold, and lithium, it could just be a naturally formed mix of stuff that happens to resemble blood. It doesn't necessarily have to have been made in a body.
      • Diamonds, gold, and lithium are very simple substances already found in relative abundance throughout the cosmos. Blood, on the other hand, is made up of highly complex organic molecules that almost certainly couldn't just form by chance like that—it'd be like going to the beach and finding that the silicon in the sand has spontaneously converted itself into piles of computer chips.
      • However, the lore update clearly states that the blood is human. This clearly points to a paranormal if not directly infernal source of the blood ocans.
      • I read a theory that it's related to the Quiet Rapture—somehow, when the planets/stars all vanished, the blood of every missing creature in the galaxy was teleported to the moon.
    • It's hinted that the blood ocean and the Quiet Rapture are directly connected, but exactly how or why is never stated. A possible explanation: some entity or force beyond our comprehension took all of the human life it collected from the Quiet Rapture, drained them all of blood, and then did something unknown with the countless bodies (which is why the ocean is only comprised of blood and not any noticeable chunks of human remains; whatever drained them did so in a way that prevented anything else from being part of the ocean) hence the name the Quiet Rapture.
  • How is a camera able to take photos in a literal abyss of blood?
    • It's possible it uses some sort of sonar imaging software, (similar to ultrasound) which would explain the fact that, despite humanity reaching beyond the stars, your camera is in black and white, blurry, and takes a second to come up on the screen.
    • It could also be using a camera flash of some kind, which would explain why it pisses the sea monster off; a recurring source of light, something it evolved to not need, probably made it mad, hence why it hits the submarine at one point and eventually just rips it apart. It being in black and white could be a product of repurposing old technology due to a lack of resources with which to make or maintain a camera that can take pictures in color.
    • If it is sonar imaging, it would explain why the creature was startled, as it navigates via echolocation, you just temporarily blinded it.
