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Headscratchers / I'm In Love With the Villainess

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  • Original!Rei designed the Loop System to "follow the same history as our own, which would enable us to more easily adjust things behind the scenes. That meant the same cruel wars and genocides of the past would recur", and it's later confirmed that Original!Rei "remained devoted to a single woman for several hundred million years". But this means the Loop System should not have been working correctly regardless of Original!Rei going insane. Over hundreds of millions of years, plate tectonics would have moved the continents into a vastly different configuration, meaning it's impossible to recreate history. You can't have Europeans "discover" the Americas if it's potentially squished into their continent, or have Japan remain closed for 300 years if the chain are no longer islands. There are a lot of issues with the Loop System, but this was the first that came to mind.
    • TAIM likely corrects continental drift between loops, as she's already tasked with reversing environmental damage; given how powerful OG!Rei is with magic (which are actually TAIM's nanomachines), moving landmasses a few km during transitions isn't unfeasible.
      • If TAIM can literally move entire tectonic plates, then what's the point of the Loop System at all? The Earth's lithosphere is somewhere from 40km to >100km, so anything powerful enough to move layers that big is something that does not have to repeat human history to preserve humanity. TAIM literally has 100s of millions of years to figure out how to solve fossil fuel use forever and could even manipulate the Earth to accomplish it, but OG!Rei's brilliant plan is "let's repeat multiple genocides every couple of million years!". Like, I can stretch disbelief a lot for LNs ("magic AI crystals? sure"), but why would any government have looked at an AI that useful and decided Rei's solution made any sense? That's not even getting into how the Loop System ignores the whole "sun is due to swallow earth in 5 billion years" among other issues. Like, Inori clearly doesn't know enough about science or bullshitting science-y stuff to give OG!Rei even a veneer of knowing what she's doing with the Loop System.
      • Part of the point is that she gets to continue to experience lives with Claire over and over again, with that being her main care and focus rather than the actual fixing of the world. TAIM's purpose is also the preservation and continuance of humanity - preserving history means preserving predictable, known patterns and variables in a stable system. TAIM is shown to be largely amoral, so the idea of changing history for a more positive world creates too much risk of breaking down the Loop System altogether by creating unknown situations that the Loop System may not be designed to handle. It's not supposed to be a perfect/flawless system, or even a moral one. Not to mention Rei specifically activated the system early and without the approval of the world governments, meaning there likely were other precautions or specifications of its running that were meant to be enforced that never were.
  • Why does the localization translate Rae calling Claire "Claire-sama" as "Miss Clare"? It seems as though "Lady Claire" would be more appropriate, not only to capture the social difference between them but to express that Claire is a noble lady.
