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Headscratchers / How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming

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  • Where's Valka? Is she voyaging? Is she dead?! Sure the Haddock Household would have Gobber over for Snoggletog, but what about Valka? Wouldn't the kids want their grandma over? Where's grandma?!
    • Off with Cloudjumper, making an actual effort to teach the world about dragons.
    • ^— This. Screw the ending of HTTYD 3.
  • When Toothless is drawing Hiccup on the sand, he draws a line connecting himself to Hiccup, at this moment the Light Fury becomes upset with him, my question is why? What's the problem with Toothless missing Hiccup? (Or whatever the drawing is supposed to mean), these dragon can't talk, which is good in some sense, but bad in others, I can't figure her out, does she not like Hiccup? Is this some kind of jealousy? What's her deal?
    • She may have misinterpreted the drawing as indicating Toothless wanted to go back to living with Hiccup, not just that they retain a bond while apart. She was upset at the thought of her mate abandoning her and the kids to go hang out with the dragonish equivalent of an old high school buddy.
  • This special just can't be made to work with the ending of HTTYD 3. If the one happens, the other can't. It should serve as a warning sign for what can happen when you continue a story past it's natural ending. You end up pandering to fans with "heartwarming" moments which actually lessen what came before.
    • Not really. It fits in fine. It takes place after the events of the third film but before the last scene of that film where Hiccup, Astrid and the kids go looking for the dragons. It takes place 10 years later, as per narration, so those kids had never seen a real dragon before so makes perfect sense they may not automatically think of the dragons as nice like their parents do. They hold the parade to try and show them what dragons are like, Toothless has the same feelings of longing to see his old friend as Hiccup did, and the brief encounter spurs them to go on the boat journey to find them, where they introduce them to their kids and go flying.
