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Headscratchers / Fright Night (2011)

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  • He broke the windows to let the sunlight inside the house from the inside... wouldn't it have made more sense to break them before entering the house, or at least go back outside to do so?
    • Probably. But the guy's hardly an expert at this stuff.
    • Breaking windows? While outside? In broad daylight where the whole street can see what's going on?
      • Well, it's not like they wouldn't hear it anyway...

  • Charley's relationship with Amy was a big headscratcher for me. Was I the only one who thought the movie was setting her up as a shallow figure and Charley was actually going to end up with Doris the go-go dancer? That's not the important issue though. Late in the movie, she says "I always knew you were a dweeb". So ... why did she not date Charley when he was outwardly a dweeb? She waited for him to ditch his friends and hang out with the popular kids, which is a complete Jerkass thing to do.
    • I figured she meant that as, despite him being a dweeb, she waited for him to gather up the courage to ask her out, regardless of their social statuses. Charley just chose to hang with the popular kids and leave Ed and Adam after he started dating Amy.
      • Still, would've been nice of her to tell him this earlier, as the only reason he stopped hanging out with Ed was because he thought that if he did, Amy would dump him.
      • Yeah, but they're both just kids and she might not have noticed too much, especially if she was never part of that circle.
      • She might not have been as willing to date him if he were hanging around Ed, not because of them being "dweebs" but because Ed clearly had a problem with her (or possibly women in general) and seemed like a toxic, unpleasant person. He even says that he and Charley used to make fun of Amy and call her a skank, and he himself still seems to see her that way.
    • There's no evidence that Amy spurned him while he was still a "dweeb." They just weren't going out yet. Charley was the one who thought that he needed to turn his back on his dweeb ways to date her. She simply accepted him, dweeb hobbies or not.
    • Also just because she always knew he was dweeb doesn't mean she was always OK with that. She may have just gone through some growth as a person herself.

  • So, do houses have to possess certain qualities to qualify as a house? Because it seems like Jerry's plan is for the house to burn all the way down, into a pile of rubble...and of course, it doesn't, and was likely never going to. So hypothetically, Charley and co. could simply go back inside once the damage had been done and the sun had come up.
    • It's possible the line might be drawn at what's inhabitable vs. what's uninhabitable. I mean, the lines are still blurry under that reasoning, but I suppose at some point if the house is structurally damaged to a certain point, it's not a house, but a ruin.
    • Setting it on fire wasn't to get rid of the house, it was to drive the humans out.

  • Even assuming all that stuff Ed said about people moving in and out of Vegas constantly is true, it doesn't line up with Jerry's methods—we see him kill kids but not parents, and parents but not kids. Regardless of how often people relocate, that's gonna raise some eyebrows—instances of parents moving away without their kids can't be common, and missing minors are gonna be reported to the cops. Hardly inconspicuous.
    • We only see him kill one child without also killing the parents (Ed, who is apparently still pretending to be alive to his parents) and nothing the other way around.
    • We also see in Adam's house that Jerry is apparently spectacular at cleaning up after himself. He threw furniture around and killed at least four people in a very bloody mess but by the time Charley and Ed go to investigate, there's nothing to find.

  • How does this version of Jerry never get caught out in one way or another? Colin Farrell portrays him as nothing but a predator. Look at his little speech to Charley when he is borrowing beers, even if he wasn't suspecting Jerry as a vampire already the dude gave off the characteristics of some form of predator talking about Charleys' Girlfriend and mom in a sexually predatory manner. If that is how he is around most people I'm surprised that he managed to pick up anyone for snack.
    • We never see Jerry talk to anyone who didn't already suspect what he was on some level. He might have been more inclined to 'drop the mask' when he was talking to someone he didn't need to hide it from.
    • The speech Jerry gave Charley when borrowing the beers was meant to be a threat. He went over to trick Charley into inviting him in but when he realized Charley was avoiding it, he threatened Charley's mother and girlfriend. He's physically attractive but his behavior is repulsive. This is purposeful. The filmmakers don't want the audience to side with him even a little bit and the habit of some audience members to romanticize some villains with the evil is sexy thing may have lead the filmmakers to make him behave as repugnantly as possible.
      • It seems to be a Call-Back to Dracula, In the original book, Dracula was terrible at playing human, he could maintain a moment of civility but being surrounded by his prey always caused him to slip back, Jerry seems to be the same, can hold it together for a while, but eventually he just can't stop himself.
