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Headscratchers / Flubber

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  • How Weebo can fly before Brainard invents the Flubber hover technology? Why wouldn't this work with cars?
    • Presumably the hovering tech Weebo uses is different than the Flubber hover technology. Maybe it works well enough for small robots but doesn't scale up well to car-sized objects.
  • Even if this was before the age of cell phones with schedule functions, couldn't Brainard invent a wacky reminding machine?
    • Certainly he could have used a post-it note or made sure someone from the wedding party, like his best man or his parents (or her parents or his friends) called him.
    • Sure Weebo kept sabotaging his attempts to keep schedule because she loved him, but you think he'd have had more important ways to remember the wedding.
  • If Brainard needed money so badly, why doesn't he sell Weebo?
    • It's explained that Brainard has tried but can't replicate the technology that created Weebo and is his only remaining creation, not stolen by Phillip's rival, Wilson. The only plans to a her, in the form of her "daughter", only appears in a video will after her "death".
    • Can't the "floating robot" part still sell even if he can't replicate the sentience?
    • Sure, but ever heard of the Absent-Minded Professor trope ? The movie this was a remake of is the freaking Trope Namer ! Brainard just didn't think of it.
  • Throughout the movie, Brainard and other characters are worried about how or if they can use Flubber to get enough money to save the college. Brainard created sentient life that is also self replicating, completely absorbs and deflects potential impact damage and can generate infinite momentum and energy. This would be the single most important invention in human history with virtually infinite uses. Shouldn't Brainard's biggest concern be how he's going to spend his money, being one of history's richest people?
    • The man's first idea on creating said infinite energy source is to use it in sports. He later says this while in a Flying Car that runs on the same technology. Assuming the car company doesn't screw him out of his money, it's not likely to be in his top priorities.
  • No one thought to physically arrive to take the acknowledged absent-minded individual to the wedding to make sure he wasn't late?
    • Isn't it established that Brainard basically has no friends because he's such an absent-minded, myopic nimrod?
    • Considering he's already missed his wedding twice before, one would think Sara would arrange for someone to go and make sure he was ready and on his way.
  • After swallowing Flubber, Wilson gets tickled as the sentient goo of energy quickly slithered through his organs and then it burst out of his anus. Shouldn't he be dead from it or use his stomach acid to burn the Flubber?
