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Headscratchers / Enemy at the Gates

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  • How the hell are König and Sacha communicating? König can't read Cyrillic, and it's highly unlikely (actually bordering on impossible) to learn to fluently speak Russian without it. Sacha could conceivably have learned some German from Tania, but the idea of him being fluent enough to have such clear conversations with König is rather improbable (given both of them are very busy and probably quite tired at the end of the day). The movie runs on Translation Convention, but a little explanation for that in particular would have been nice.
    • Its perfectly plausible for Konig to know a western Slavic language - particularly Polish if his family lived in area with polish -speaking minority/majority. And if you know one of those its possible to communicate with Russians, sure, there are hurdles but it's doable.
    • I assumed that Sacha had been taught to speak German by Tania.
