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Headscratchers / Christian Humber Reloaded

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  • One example: a shapeshifting demon frames Humber for a crime he didn't commit—leveling city blocks. Later, Humber casually drops that he has in fact destroyed several city blocks for the hell of it. Humber was framed for a crime he already committed.
    • This is a bit like "The Safe-Dropping Incident" in General Protection Fault. Trudy drops safes on several of GPF's competitors, but then, in one case, her ex-boyfriend Trent tries to drop a safe on Dwayne in order to frame her for it and expose her responsibility for the other incidents. The rest of the cast is convinced that Trudy isn't responsible for any of them, and Nick and Fooker obtain the evidence necessary to convict Trent. They learn that the evidence only convicts Trent for the attack on Dwayne, and Trudy then destroys the evidence that would have incriminated her. In short, just because a person may have committed a crime doesn't mean that he or she will be held accountable for it, and people interested in making sure that person gets punished may still resort to framing him or her.
  • How does a wolf have saiyan blood? And also: how come Vashblade's parents and family die within the first few sentences of the story yet randomly appear in later chapters?
    • The first question: From a writing perspective, it's most likely one more part of his arsenal, just like every other weapon and special ability Vashblade possesses. From a story perspective, the only plausible theory I can think of is that he got it from the lab where he was experimented on in the first chapter.
    • The second question: Death Is Cheap, largely because the author forgets that Vash's parents are supposed to be dead.
    • The coroner's hypothesis: Humber's father is a dragon-Saiyan hybrid (dragons can shapeshift, so who's the parent is academic) and his mother a wolf-demon (and thus also likely able to change shape or not being wholly wolf in shape.) This lets Humber's draconic half-brother be 1/4 Saiyan.
