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Headscratchers / Blame!

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  • Obviously the Net Gene was meant to separate citizens from non-citizens. Why on Earth did the civilization that created the security bots think it was a good idea to have the bots kill non-citizens on-sight!?
    • They didn’t. They lost control of their bots.
      • Then the question becomes, why did the bots decide that killing non-citizens was appropriate part of their job?
      • It's not a decision, it's a glitch.
      • More specifically, the Safeguard, in theory, don't actually attack humans indiscriminately - they're only supposed to attack non-citizens who sneak into the city somehow. Unfortunately for humanity, without someone with Net Terminal Genes to tell it to stop growing, the city is now a superstructure encompassing everything out past at least Jupiter, which makes the distinction academic because all of humanity is inside the city and most of them couldn't leave even if they wanted to.
