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  • Why did the 8 Hinge their plan around Styles breaking protocol and calling in Hardy? There were presumably other rangers on the base still in the Army he could have called in. The point of the operation was to find out who was involved with the drug running, Styles being involved seems like a pretty big stroke of luck for them.
    • They knew ahead of time that Styles was likely involved, and therefore he would look to cover his ass and find a way to avoid anyone still in the Army from finding out about his guilt. Furthermore, it was stated that Styles and Hardy had recently "run into" each other and so Styles would think of Hardy. If Styles wasn't involved and had followed through on the investigation as per protocol, then fine, someone could always show up with some official documents or story to help out the other Section 8 members. If not, then Styles would be calling in an investigator of Section 8's choosing.
    • Hardy's cover was being under suspicion of corruption, making him an ideal candidate as far as Styles was concerned: if Hardy really was corrupt, then he would be likely be open to being paid off if he uncovered the drug ring. If he didn't go for the payoff, his reputation would allow his conclusions to be dismissed if he found something. And his reputation was such there was a good chance he wouldn't find anything anyway. Hardy had been set up to be the perfect patsy for Styles if Styles was involved, and Styles went for the bait.
