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Headscratchers / All the Wrong Questions

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  • If the Bombinating Beast statue was just sitting in Moxie's house gathering dust, why didn't Hangfire just take it himself? It was so important to him why not just ask for it, or send someone else to ask for it, or steal it himself, or buy it from Moxie and lie about what it is?
    • Overthinking. He assumes that the lack of response to his queries about it means that the people who have it know why it's valuable/why he wants it and have made great efforts to secure it. It may have never occurred to him that Moxie had just never been able to answer his questions about it and attached no importance to it.
  • What was Kit Snicket doing on the train? Was the vault in Stain'd-by-the-Sea instead of the city? Or was she on the train when it went into Stain'd and looped back around?
    • Wasn't she on the train because she had been arrested and was being sent to jail?
  • Why was Kit Snicket breaking into a V.F.D. vault if she works for the V.F.D.?
    • Well, the series does take place after the schism. At that point, both sides are using the acronym, but working separately.
  • How did Stew Mitchum shoot through a window with a dart?
    • Didn't he use a dart gun?
