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Hammerspace / Live-Action Films

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  • Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy: The four lead anchormen are walking through San Diego trying to find a suit store. However, that doesn't stop them from pulling iron knuckles, a club, and a hand grenade amongst other things when they encounter a rival news team.
    Ron: Brick, where'd you get a hand grenade?
    Brick: I don't know.
  • Batman (1989): In the final battle The Joker pulls out a revolver with a barrel that is almost three feet long from his pants.
  • The Ballad of Buster Scruggs: Buster Scruggs produces a silver hand mirror out of nowhere twice. It disappears when he's not using it.
  • Deadpool (2016): Much like his comic book and video game counterparts, Wade is able to do the same thing. During the Christmas scene when Wade proposes to Vanessa with a Pop Ring, she is confused and asks where he pulled it from when he literally is only wearing a holiday sweater.
  • D.E.B.S.: Presumably where Lucy Diamond carries bulky items (her gun, extra ammo clips, a grenade and the suction cups she used to climb up the wall of the D.E.B.S. house) when she's wearing skin-tight clothing
  • Desperado (the Robert Rodriguez movie): The bar scene being told by Steve Buschemi has El Mariachi pulling guns out of nowhere, at one point actually brushing his hair back, and producing a shotgun from behind his head.
  • The Goonies: Data looks pretty normal-sized through most of the movie, until a bad guy gets close and suddenly his jacket puffs out as he punches the guy in the face with a spring-loaded boxing glove on a mechanical arm. In the scenes where it is actually used you can tell that it would've been very noticeable had he been walking around the entire movie with that contraption under his jacket.
  • The Head movie from The Monkees: Near the climax the band is confronted by a posse led by Lord High 'N Low, who's been after them for various reasons throughout the movie. In the half-second cutaway between Davy's shots, while the Monkees' would-be executioners are cocking their rifles, Davy produces a loaded, packed, & primed cannon and wipes out the whole posse. Peter lampshades it less than 5 seconds later.
  • Highlander: Several immortals throughout the films somehow manage to store their swords in their coats, with Conor typically wearing a long trenchcoat that supposedly conceals his katana.
  • Hudson Hawk: One of the villains cuts open the cover of Da Vinci's codex to reveal that the book cover, which was approximately a quarter inch thick, contains a piece of the gold machine reflector which is about the size of a billiard ball.
  • Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter: In one scene a jeep pulls up by Jesus and a few atheists come out to beat up Jesus. As the scene goes on (and Jesus takes care of each successive wave of nonbelievers), more than thirty atheists end up coming out of that little jeep. Lampshaded when Jesus, on defeating the first wave, throws his hands in the air in an unmistakable "Are you joking?" gesture when the second comes into play.
  • The Kunoichi: Ninja Girl: During their final battle both Shimotsuki and Kirasagi draw swords from places where they could not possibly be concealed. This is explicitly stated to be a Ninja trick both of them know, and each is surprised to discover the other knows it. Kirasagi plays this to her advantage by drawing one of Shimotsuki's swords while she is grappling him.
  • Mallrats: Silent Bob produces several objects from inside his coat, up to and including a fully-inflated blow-up doll.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • Iron Man 2: We all love the Mark V suitcase suit, but let's face it, this is where it really comes from. There's no way that suit could fold down into a suitcase-sized package that's light enough to carry in one hand.
    • Thor and later entries: Loki possesses this ability in-universe thanks to his power to create and cast illusions. He often summons his battle outfit (horned helmet and all) out of nowhere, as well as knives. He's also seen retrieving the Casket of Ancient Winters from who-knows-where and later stowing it with a single hand movement after attacking Heimdall with it. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor's sister Hela can produce seemingly limitless swords, pikes and knives and blades of whatever type and size she requires, though this might be a magical manifestation that creates swords and as such she may not be capable of returning them to anywhere.
    • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War: Rocket's giant space rifle tends to conveniently disappear until the moment he needs it.
  • Marx Brothers movies: Harpo Marx can and does keep anything and everything in his (admittedly large) clothes, including a complete silver tea set, fully fueled welding equipment, live animals, a steaming hot cup of coffee, and once a lighted candle — lit at both ends. This only counts as Hammerspace from a viewer standpoint, however, because Harpo Marx actually did produce these items from his custom-made coat. It was a gag he developed for use live on stage.
    • What makes it moreso this is the planning that goes into it, which is not visible to the viewer. When shooting the movies or even performing a live show, Harpo knew in advance which items he needed to have in his coat for each scene, and could prepare accordingly. In-universe, he's able to produce whatever item is called for on the spot with no apparent planning, creating the illusion that he's been carrying around all these items (and probably more) just on the off chance he needs them.
    • Interestingly, the Looney Tunes (who often employ Hammerspace) were inspired by Harpo's gags, in the same way that Bugs Bunny is modeled on Groucho Marx (and just a dash of Clark Gable)
  • Mary Poppins: Titular character's bag is shown to store potted plants and lamps, making it a Bag of Holding. One might say the same about Harpo Marx's coat, but that was played more for laughs: you wonder what kind of clown carries a tea set around, less about how he does it. The way that Mary Poppins pulled tall items out of her bag, it's clear that the bag is larger inside than outside. When the children look in the bag, they see it as empty.
  • The Mask: Jim Carey has an infinite amount of space inside his pockets and an unknown, probably infinite number of things in them. Bonus points for the Mask's first scene, where he pulls an actual mallet out of his pants pocket.
  • The Matrix movies:
    • While in the Matrix, Trinity is always dressed in skintight clothing with nowhere to hide a gun, but she can always pull out firearms (and her cell phone) whenever needed. E.g. at the beginning of the first movie, while escaping from the Agents, after falling down some stairs, she pulls two pistols out of nowhere; and in The Matrix Reloaded she pulls a pistol out of nothingness twice (to menace Persephone and while fighting the albino Rastafarian ghost identical twins), and draws two machine pistols out of hyperspace while fighting the Agent in the power control building. But then again, they're inside the Matrix and as such have access to "magic."
    • In The Matrix Reloaded she pulls out her cell phone from nowhere three times: while she's on the motorcycle transport vehicle with the Keymaker, while she's outside the building that controls the backup power supply, and after reaching the 65th floor of that building.
    • Averted in the first film. Although she pulls out her cell phone several times, she always does it either from a legitimate source (a pocket or a carrying case on her belt) or while she's offscreen.
  • Mystery Team: Jason's backpack. Somehow he can put together: A hobo outfit, a reporter outfit, three gentlemen disguises, three Letterman's jackets and A Mexican plumber costume. Duncan has this, to a lesser extent, fitting a slingshot, a "spy camera" and a book of Wacky Facts in his pockets.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: Elizabeth Swann was forced to remove numerous weapons, a majority of which she easily pulls out from her trousers, including a sawed-off rifle.
  • Raising Arizona: A subtle but cool version. As the Biker walks through Unpainted Arizona, a cigar appears in one hand, out of nowhere, and a match in his other, which he strikes on a wall to light the cigar.
  • Resident Evil: Extinction: How many zombie prisoners can you fit into a small shipping crate? Possibly justified/subverted/played with. Since the zombies feel virtually nothing at all, one can conceivably cram as many as the volume of the crate would allow. The real question that remains is how they got that many in there safely.
  • The Room (2003): Continuity problems often cause characters to suddenly gain and lose objects between cuts.
    • Denny loses his apple after walking up the stairs to jump on Johnny's and Lisa's bed.
      Bill Corbett: Hey I just ate an entire apple, even the core!
    • Lisa suddenly produces a vase for Johnny's flowers.
    • After overhearing Lisa tell her mother about her affair, Johnny walks immediately over to his phone and sets down a tape recorder he wasn't carrying so he can hook it up to the phone.
    • After cajoling Johnny into drinking with her, Lisa reenters the room from the entrance, carrying two glasses and a bottle of vodka.
    • In the original script, a scene opens with Lisa talking to Claudette on the phone and ends with her walking Claudette to the door, meaning Lisa pulled her mother out of Hammerspace.
  • The Santa Clause: Santa's sack has a dimension warp that allows it and the bearer to go down chimneys or even stovepipes, and a Smart Hammerspace that produces whatever gift the house's children are due, up to and including a full size kayak.
  • The Running Man: Lampshaded, when Arnold Schwarzenegger's character asks where his love interest was hiding a large gun that she suddenly has. She smirks at him and replies "It's none of your business".
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Scott frequently makes a hat materialize on his head when a girl comments that his hair is getting shaggy. Ramona also pulls a gigantic hammer out of her purse.
  • In Spider-Man 3, New Goblin's pumpkin bombs are stored in his sky stick. Some shots through the film indicate that this board, being mostly slim, has no room for anything. This principle also applies to his mask, which disappears when retracted.
  • Tommy Boy: Presumably where Richard finds the board to hit Tommy in the face with.
  • Top Secret!: Chocolate Mousse pulls a sledgehammer out of nowhere to pulverize a cricket.
  • Tropic Thunder: Hammerspace is the least disturbing explanation for how Portnoy was able to pull a pistol out of his skimpy undies.
  • Ultraviolet (2006): The main character has these funny little bracelet things that store her weapons. There's a great scene where, after Violet loads these things with enough weaponry to supply the entire US military, she is scanned by a weapons-check program and it gives up counting the weapons she's carrying.
    Computer voice: Number of weapons found...many.
  • Undead Spoofs this when a completely naked man pulls a couple of guns from nowhere.
  • The Unnameable: Any doubt that the H. P. Lovecraft adaptation is really more of an understated horror comedy is finally dispelled after the film's climax, when the smart guy reaches beneath his thin jacket with one hand and pulls out an oversized book of spells nearly as large as his torso.
  • Versus: A Running Gag is that the weaselly yakuza seems to have an inexhaustible supply of pistols stuck into the back of his waistband. Whenever he loses a gun, he immediately pulls out another, larger one from the exact same spot.
  • You Only Live Twice: Bond and Kissy climb the volcano and find Blofeld's lair — though Bond is wearing a simple Japanese fisherman's outfit, he suddenly has a second set of clothing underneath, along with wall-climbing suction cups, a gun, and cigarette case.
