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Hammerspace / Literature

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  • All The Skills - A Deckbuilding LitRPG: When Arthur assembles a Rare card from collected shards, what he gets is a "Personal Space" power that gives him access to an extradimensional storage room. Not only does it let him carry everything he owns, securely and all the time, it also time-locks whatever is placed inside, so no time passes for that object. It even works on people, although he needs their permission first.
  • Canon in Animorphs, where it is known as Z-Space and is used to enable both morphing and interstellar travel. Notably, because of this there's an astronomical chance that the latter can crash into the shunted mass of the former, killing a morpher like a bug on a windshield.
  • Invoked explicitly in Anne Bishop's Black Jewels trilogy: Mages can "vanish" objects, presumably into their own personal Hammerspace, and call them back in when needed. The amount of Hammerspace you have directly correlates with how powerful you are.
  • In Ciaphas Cain, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!, Jurgen's webbing and greatcoat seem to contain an infinite amount of ration bars, tanna, and various helpful objects like goggles.
  • In the Death Stalker series, when Owen travels back to the mythical First Empire, he discovers that wealthy people of the time can buy bodies just like clothes. These bodies are stored away in subspace and be donned in a split second. You can have bodies for riot control, combat, courtly occasions, sex, etc.
  • Discworld dwarves have access to Hammerspace: in The Truth Gunilla Goodmountain's troop of dwarves are able to produce large weapons seemingly from nowhere.
    • Also, Conina in Sourcery is able to produce a seemingly endless arsenal of weapons — especially throwing knives — that she has secreted about her person, despite wearing just a simple white dress that wouldn't seem to have many hiding places. Since the retrieval of these items sometimes requires her to ask her male companions to turn away and is accompanied by a waft of perfume, we can assume that some of Conina's Hammerspace is in the form of a Victoria's Secret Compartment or its equivalent.
    • Rincewind's magical Luggage, in addition to being a sapient travel accessory with a hundred legs and a mean temper, also appears to have limitless interior. It has "eaten" more than a few enemies and has served as a hiding place for Rincewind and others when bad guys are around. It also carries clothes, especially Rincewind's underpants, which are always freshly laundered and neatly folded when he asks the Luggage for them. Definitely qualifies as a Bag of Holding, too.
    • Victor from Moving Pictures uses this trope to justify this trope, when he summons a horse and sword from nowhere by tapping into the ambient effects of Holy Wood magic. Film characters are always pulling weapons and equipment out of nowhere when needed, and film audiences accept it, hence it's fully within his power as the Discworld's top film star, provided he plays out such deeds in character.
    • The wizards of Discworld have a lot of artifacts that can access Hammerspace, including a cabinet which, if you can find the proper drawer, contains anything you can think of and quite a few things you probably couldn't. This includes their own clothes: "You could find anything in a wizard's pocket — peas, unreasonable things with legs, small experimental universes, anything..." Lords and Ladies
  • In a Doctor Who Expanded Universe novel, the Doctor lands on a planet which follows cartoon rules and is inhabited Expys of many well-know cartoon characters. Towards the end the Doctor uses the rules of the world to produce a custard pie gun (an appropriate weapon for the Doctor) from Hammerspace to disable the bad guy.
  • In Emily the Strange: The Lost Days Emily/Earwig's dress has pockets that can hold an inordinate amount of items, cats included. However, it was never properly used and only mentioned as a curiosity.
  • The Fablehaven series has the transdimensional backpack with a storage room inside.
  • Haruka, in Girls Kingdom, always has a paper fan somewhere on her person that she can quickly pull out and whack Inaho with as part of their constant Boke and Tsukkomi Routine. Whereabouts she keeps it, Misaki, the protagonist, can't seem to figure out.
  • In Tom Holt's Grailblazers, a character has the hereditary ability to reach vaguely behind him, and always bring the hand back holding something weapon-like.
  • In The Guardians, Guardians and demons have "caches" to which they can vanish and retrieve items. Younger Guardians that grew up playing videogames actually call it a hammerspace.
  • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione uses the magic Hammerspace spell (an 'Undetectable Extension Charm') to put a ton of books and other stuff into her beaded purse. Including a large picture frame, which is larger than the purse itself. Amazingly enough, it isn't heavy to her at all (though the things inside aren't immune to breakage due to shaking the purse around too much. It "rumbles like a cargo hold" every time it's shaken.)
  • Journey to Chaos: Mia's has an explict ability to store things in a pocket dimension that she can access from thin air. One of her hobbies is finding inventive ways to play around with it such as new ways to deliver a mission bill to the mercenaries.
  • In The Kane Chronicles, the Duat is also used as an infinite storage space.
  • Sycophants in the Leven Thumps series have an unlimited "void" where they stow useful stuff. Pretty annoying, it's very hard to visualize what's going on when you read "Clover fished around in his void."
  • Lizard Music: One of the lizards named Reynold takes a sheet of paper out of his pocket, despite not wearing any clothes. Another Reynold buys refreshments for himself and Victor later on, but Victor is unable to catch the lizard putting his hand into his pocket or taking the money out.
  • In M.A.R. Barker's Man of Gold, set in the world of Tekumel (which was originally created as an RPG) the hero, Harsan, learns to put things into another dimension, someplace he calls "around the corner", for safekeeping. There's one catch — if you leave something there very long, when you bring it back, it is cold enough to destroy flesh. If you put an item around the corner yourself, you can get it back by concentrating on it; or you can simply grope around and bring something back that someone else put there. But you won't know what it is until it materializes...
  • The Hunters of Artemis in Percy Jackson and the Olympians seem to have endless Hammerspace. Despite not being seen with any camping gear, they manage to set up an entire campsite complete with a luxury tent for Artemis herself. In addition, they always seem to have their bows across their shoulders when the need arises. So much so, that Percy notices and comments that they must be magical.
  • Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party: Pinkie pulled three sets of mini spring-loaded shoes just like hers seemingly out of nowhere. It was almost like magic, but it wasn’t—it was just Pinkie.
  • In Princess Holy Aura Silvertail the rat uses Lemurian magic to have ready access to the Apocalypse Brooches, ID documents, and disposable phones.
  • Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon: As long as he is paid, Boxxo can give an infinite amount of food and can change his selection.
  • In the Spellsinger series by Alan Dean Foster, an anthro turtle wizard named Clothahump has drawers that pull out of his chest that he uses to store various spell components. His house, which is built inside a tree, has a similar effect on it, though he warns that excessive use of the spell can become very expensive because it causes inflation.
  • In Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive series:
    • Shardblades automatically go into Hammerspace when dismissed, dropped or otherwise separated from their owner, unless he or she wills otherwise when releasing them. The owner can re-summon the Blade at will (although it takes 10 heartbeats for it to appear). Blades are really huge (although remarkably light), so carrying them around is pretty inconvenient whenever someone has to do it, such as when they are bonding to a newly acquired blade which takes a few weeks.
    • Interestingly Shardplate does not have this property. It's huge and bulky at all times, making transporting it around an important logistical consideration. However if it is damaged or broken it can be regrown by providing it with Stormlight, even just from a single small piece.
    • As the series goes on, some explanation of both of these properties (although more the Bldaes than Plate) are given. Shardblades are actually Spren that Knight's Radiant have bonded with. When they aren't being used as swords, the blades exist in the Cognitive Realm, appearing in the Physical realm when summoned, using the person they are bonded to in order to manifest physically. It's still unknown where Shardplate comes from, although Dalinar's Visions seem to imply that there is or was some method by which it used to be stored in Hammerspace and summoned.
  • In Mike Leon's Supervillainous!, the main character, Baron Hammerspace, has this as a super power. He can store and retrieve anything he wants in his jacket, provided it is not too big to wrap the jacket around. He seems to have an infinite supply of guns, bombs, and bizarre science fiction weapons in there.
  • Zed from The Sword of Truth series has a wizards closet, though it is only mentioned once, early in the first book.
  • Caroline, from Tunnel in the Sky, leaves for her off-world survival test unarmed, barefoot, and with an overnight bag. About fifteen minutes later, Rod arrives in the relay room and sees that she ditched the bag before leaving. A month later, Caroline arrives at the fledgling colony with all of her odd items, including her diary and a saucepan. Nobody is sure how she kept and carried it all without a bag.
  • In the Young Wizards series, "temporospatial claudications" leading to small pockets of "otherspace" are frequently used for storage by the wizard characters. In execution, it works exactly like hammerspace, except with more Techno Babble. Or possibly Magi Babble; it's often hard to tell the difference with that series...
    • The "pup tents" used by the wizards in books seven and eight operate similarly, except these places can be used as bedrooms.
    • Not quite Hammerspace but very related, in one book there's the sentient white hole that burps up random highly-ordered objects. At one point, it manages a fully assembled jumbo jet — harking to a traditional creationist argument about a windstorm in a junkyard.
