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Haiku / So Bad, It's Horrible

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Something went wrong here
Really, really, really wrong
Can't watch anymore

Someone make it stop
Brain cells dying rapidly
Kill It With Fire

"Its So Bad, It's Good!"
Said my friend. "Let's watch for laughs."
Now we're both depressed.

This is very bad.
Please don't produce any more.
Seriously. Stop.

I wrongfully thought
That this show might have been good.
The critics were right.

What the fucking fuck?
Was that meant to be a joke?
No, just horrible.

"What the fuck's this shit?!"
That's all I could say about
these things of terror.

It's hard to believe
Someone actually wrote,
Much less released, this.

How is it so true
That something that fucking bad
Can even exist?

That was so painful
Now I Need a Freaking Drink
For this piece of crap.

What the hell is this
Whose responsible this crap
I just want to die

I can't enjoy this
As art, nor as spectacle
Or even at all.


Bile Fascination
Cannot explain my dumbness
In seeking this out.

What the crap is this
I think my brain just passed out
From the sheer badness

Oh my fucking god
I can't believe I just watched
A film this awful

What was I thinking?!
I wish I never played that!
Pass me the Brain Bleach...

Jesus Fucking Christ.
How the fuck did this get made?
How'd it pass QA?

Welcome to this crap
Made with too much free time and
fourty IQ points.

Emoji Movie
Didn't even sink that low
What the flying fuck

Simple to abuse,
This is a designation
To handle with care.

It's not "I hate it".
What depraved niche it's meant for
must also hate it.

There's "bad", and then there's
Zero Percent Approval
levels of badness.

Just one defender
Will disqualify it in
9 of 10 cases.

(And just because you
Can't comprehend how one could
Exist means nothing).

The tenth is often
What's caused measurable harm.
But my point is this:

Overuse of it
Robs its power
over the
Truly deserving.

This work's quality
is so bad there's nothing en-
-tertaining about it.

When Eurocentrist
Tries to write Asian poems,
Most haikus here too.

Motherfucking hell,
was everything I just saw
seriously real?

An atrocity.
Absolutely disgusting.
What a bad idea.

Bafflingly shitty.
Want me to elaborate?
Sure: I am much mad.
