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Haiku / Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male

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Abuse is okay
when it is female on male.
This trope is sexist.

Some people believe
that the females are weaker
than the human males.

Thus, the men don't feel
as much pain as women feel
when they are abused.

This argument, though,
is one big double standard.
See here: more info.
—>Above four poems written by Agogobell

Man hits woman? Bad.
Hypocritical Humor
is the solution!
—>Sizzly Bacon

You can't hit women
But they are allowed to hit
You all of the time.

"We're just having fun."
"He's not really hurt." "That's right."

Because I am a man
My suffering is not valid
Instead, it's funny.

I so hate this trope
Abuse is abuse people
Realize that fact.

If she gets hurt while
She hits me, I'll be seen as
the violent bad guy.
—->Red Hood
