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Genre Savvy / Comic Books

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  • Zombies Calling by Faith Erin Hicks is built around the main character being savvy to the "rules" of zombie movies from seeing every zombie movie ever made.
  • Watchmen: Adrian Veidt, aka Ozymandias, declares that he is not a villain from a Republic Films serial and therefore had already completed his plan 35 minutes before beginning his Breaking Speech.
  • In Eight Billion Genies, Robbie says that he's read enough comic books to know that wishing for immortality is a very bad idea that could go wrong any number of ways. He instead uses his wish to become a superhero capable of defending himself and his parents while searching for another save haven for them.
  • In The Sandman:
    • Morpheus is possibly one of the most Genre Savvy entities in the whole universe. As the Prince of Stories, he knows that life literally imitates art (and vice versa) and is more than capable of controlling it. While teaming up with John Constantine to enter a house haunted by renegade dreams, Constantine shows some Genre Savvyness himself, recalling what happens to people in horror movies when they split up. He asks Morpheus for reassurance that they'll stick together.
    • In the Spin-Off The Dead Boy Detectives (2004), the first issue mentions that since their revival Charles and Edwin spent a lot of time in the library reading detective fiction to learn how to become detectives.
  • In Uncanny X-Men #143, Kitty Pryde declares: "If this was a movie, the monster would be waiting right outside the door, ready to bite my head off the moment I show myself."
Kitty: [Sitting at the computers] And then nothing. Look, the whole board rolled over and died.
Colossus: It could be nothing, Katya.
Kitty: It doesn't feel like nothing, Petey. I can't raise Scott's team either. I even pinged Cable in Providence, and guess what? More deafening silence.
Colossus: Do you want me to take Blackbird Two and rendezvous with Scott and the others?
Kitty: You mean 'split up'? Some day I've got to sit you down in front of some good horror movies, babe.
  • In Return To Wonderland, Calie is nearly raped by The Hatter, but she gets the upper hand and knocks him out. She declares that she will not repeat the mistake that girls usually make in horror movies (knocking out the bad guy, then leaving the room), and continues the beatdown on Hatter until pretty much all of his bones are broken. It doesn't stop him from coming back. The inhabitants of Wonderland are eternal and eventually reappear every time they die, but Calie didn't know that.
  • Ultimate Marvel: In Ultimate Spider-Man, Bolivar Trask demonstrates this when he asks if the stasis field in the lab he's in can contain Venom. When he's told that it can, he says that he's seen King Kong, and so will be leaving.
  • In The Unbelievable Gwenpool, the titular character is familiar with comicbook tropes because she grew up reading them in the "real" world. So, when she somehow ends up in the Marvel universe she already knows you have to wear a costume to avoid getting killed like a random extra and she's perfectly aware of her own Plot Armor. This doesn't stop Gwen from underestimating the dangerous situations she finds herself in and forgetting that tropes can be deconstructed.
  • Disney Ducks Comic Universe: When the Ducks are pursued by a hungry Spinosaurus in the Don Rosa story Escape From Forbidden Valley, Uncle Scrooge suggests taking a shortcut over a cliff across an old wooden log. His nephews immediately dismiss the idea and snark that the last movie their uncle has watched was probably at a 1904 science expo.
  • Atomic Robo generally seems pretty well aware of how pulp tropes work after spending nearly a century with them, except when Dr. Dinosaur is involved and the rules shift over to comedy. In volume 3, he goes on a little rant about how computers that solve problems are unassuming little boxes and computers that are evil do things like vent steam and have all sorts of unnecessary adornments, and then when the builders of the computer he's complaining about manage to coax him into going ahead anyway it does indeed turn out to be evil and spits out the Eldritch Abomination he's been running into since the 1920s.
  • The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis:
    • In the first miniseries, Fry is easily able to navigate Springfield because he played several Simpsons video games and has the layout of the town completely memorized.
    • Later, Amy unexpectedly saves the day when she reveals that she disguised herself as Smithers to keep an eye on Burns, having seen enough Simpsons episodes to know that Burns would be at the center of an evil plot at some point.
    • When trying to get rid of the giant Homer, Homer suggests a nuke. Farnsworth reluctantly agrees to use an atomic bomb he was saving for the Fourth of July. However, Bart points out that nuclear weapons in monster movies only make things bigger, thus it would make their problem even worse.
