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Genre Motif / Cantata

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In a rather inaccurate way, cantatas can be described as the songs of Classical Music. Most people tend to associate it with symphonies, i.e., large instrumental arrangements. However, classical music does have vocal compositions, which, ordered by duration are: the Cantata, the Oratorio (an anthology of cantatas), and the Opera (a theatrical, lengthy vocal composition). The cantata is often of chamber scale (few instruments and singers), though symphonic cantatas also exist.

All in all, saying that cantatas have a Genre Motif sounds as absurd as saying the same about songs. Why does this tab exist, then? Well, like classical music, in modern times, cantatas have acquired this distinct air of sophistication, grandiosity, and times bygone. In a nutshell, what several Youtubers classify as "Powerful Vocals".

As such, both classical and modernized (influenced by contemporary musical genres) cantatas are invoked in the form of One-Woman Wails, Cherubic Choirs, Ethereal Choirs, and Ominous Latin Chantings. If you are knowledgable about the aforementioned tropes, you'll be quick to notice that cantatas don't always have lyrics.

Finally, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror are the genres most likely to feature cantatas as a part of their original soundtracks.

