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Funny / Your Favorite Martian

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  • "Those aren't boobs! They're lies! LIES, I TELL YOU!", from "Tig Ol' Bitties".
  • "I'm Oprah, fucker!", from "Epileptic Techno".
  • In "Club Villain", the song is stopped (complete with Record Needle Scratch) once Chris Brown is mentioned in the lyrics.
  • At the end of "Dookie Fresh", Puff tries to explain he wasn't being racist towards Indians and he was just complaining about the food.
  • Let's just go over Puff and Wax's ridiculous plans for leaving their jobs...
    • Puff's version is to break into the back, smash everything, steal all the printer ink, hit the whole place with a glitter bomb, then hijack the intercom to tell all the patrons "I did your mom", and reveal the chef puts his feet in the crème brûlée. He even expects the restaurant to go down in flames when he quits!
    • Wax's version is to yell at his boss, threaten to burn the place down ala Office Space, destroy the printer with his car, give the restaurant a one-star review on Yelp, and then send a message to HR that he'll be at the bar if they ever need him.
  • The "Orphan Tears" trilogy is an entire riot from start to finish:
  • "Uno Reverse" is about Puff and Wax imagining how better life would be if the titular card worked in reality.
    'If I lay this card down, I can flip any situation around!'
    • Puff imagines using it to get out of a cop pulling him over, proceeding to humiliate the cop by doing illegal things in front of his face such as buying smuggled fireworks, hitting red lights and hitting flowerpots. Puff also fantasizes using it to get out of a Maury Povich DNA test.
    • Wax's is more simple, he wants somewhere better to live, so he fantasizes using the card to hijack an he can live there. Shitty G even makes an appearance as the dishwasher Wax hangs out with!
    Wax: "I'm just livin man, I ain't tryna work hard."
  • Even after 10 years, Benatar still remains the Butt-Monkey he was prominently treated as in YFMTS near the end of "Rich People $hit".
    Benatar, in response to Puff and Wax's rich person dreams:"Well maybe you could use all that money to solve world hunger!"
  • "Gentleman's Ballad" borders on this and heartwarming, being a gentle love song...about the singer unbashedly confessing he's been absolutely horny before this moment and is very much ready to ditch all the porn so he can finally feel a woman's touch, much like letting go of an addiction.
